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RE: The sorry story of salt, and how we got fooled, again!

in #food7 years ago

Yes, our bodies are very clever. It's just a pity we're not always clever enough to understand what they're telling us.

Get those hot fries, shake off the salt and throw them away! Eat the salt. (Or we make fries from other veges that are not potatoes - sweet potato, pumpkin, zucchini.)

Yes, I've actually done Dr Natasha's GAPs training, and have been a practitioner for more than 10 years. And have met her and her husband a couple of times.


she's amazing - she's one of the people that first made perfect sense to me!!!

and hot fries... i don't think you know what they are LOL its pretty much poison in a bag hahahaha

Google "Chester's Hot Fries"

mmmmmmmmmm they're so good!!!! but so bad hahahahaha

Jeepers, those look bad! I was thinking of french fries - stocks of potato cooked up in toxic oils. Substitute sticks of pumpkin, tossed in lard and sea salt. But those things, I'm not even going there with an alternative.

Right???? I haven't had any in a while but my tastebuds cry every time I pass them in the store lolol

I love the burn!!! Hehe

But not enough to hurt my body anymore!!!