Not just marine or outdoor, historical and cultural attractions that you can enjoy in Lhokseumawe.
Culinary variety can also be enjoyed when a visit to this city, one of the gravy beulagong or gravy. Jackfruit or kapok banana, it's tempting.
For the people of Aceh, Beulagong sauce is often used as the main menu in a customary or wedding feast in Aceh. Beyond that, a kind of curry sauce rich in spices is also easy to find in various typical Aceh restaurants studded in North and East Aceh.
To preserve the broth of beulangong as a culinary heritage, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Aceh Province often hold events to introduce the culinary tradition.
and hope you are interested in Kuah Belangeng Aceh thank.
Ngeri that curator jungka gajah.. :D
Hahaha. Peuduh ihhh