Fry Bread Recipe That's As Easy As It Is Delicious!

in #food8 years ago


Having grown up in Lower South Dakota I've been familiar with frybread since I was a boy. Over the years I've tried various methods & recipes for preparing it this the one I have settled on.

Fry Bread


2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
3/4 cup warm ( room temp) milk

Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl, cover and let stand in a warm spot for 20-30 minutes.

Check the dough for consistency, if it needs a bit more flour, add it. Divide the dough into four parts and roll them out on a floured cutting board or cookie sheet. When finished, cut a couple of slits near the center of each one and set them aside.

Heat some oil (about a half-inch deep) to at least 350 degrees and start cooking them one at a time, turning as needed. I like to let mine get to about the same shade of brown as peanut butter.

When cooled, top 'em with whatever you like. Refried black beans and smoked pork is a favorite of mine, I like some cheddar cheese and salsa (hot) on 'em as well. I've used chicken, beef, pork, venison and shrimp and it's all good.

For dessert, dip it in honey or jam. The ultimate dessert with frybread has to be dipping it into wojapi which is a pudding the Lakota make from chokecherries and other wild fruits. One Indian taco and another one for dessert and it's naptime for sure, mon ami!


There is a fry bread casa in Moriarty NM that added a charred chicken to a green salsa. Two servings with left overs was $14. (north side of the road, about half way through town. brown building, bad signs). Most authentic I've found ever. They spoke as much english as I spoke whatever language they spoke. Wasn't spanish, and sure wasn't english. They knew the word "delicious" tho.