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RE: Starting out strong. Health before wealth.

in #food7 years ago

Eating healthier is always my new year's resolution... :P
But, I like meat!


All time need to target is health fast then anything @justyy

The most important thing is your meat source. Wild-caught, free range, and organic is best. Animals that had happy free lives are more nutritious and taste better. Also organic means they weren't fed growth hormones and don't have chemicals in their system that are detrimental to your health. More expensive, but in my experience, totally worth it.

We do not need meat to survive, look at the energy and power of a gorilla What does a lion after eating? He sleeps a few hours ;-)

yeah right bro

Exactly, If you study plant based diet and meat based diet you'd find that you don't necessarily need to eat meat although it's a choice.
Even if you're a vegan you can have a great healthy body just google "tore Washington" before saying you need meat to have a great body! 👍 #vegan #vegetarian

all in your opinion

We do not need food to survive! Look at rocks, they can last for thousands of years without a drop of water!

yeah...there are more calories in white beans then any kind of yeah meat is not necessary to eat. its just an option or for special occasions

now at days many of us are not taking a whole meal of sleep which is around 8 hours ,which is very hard for us to do because of our busy schedule .

for some meat is essential

Of cause...I just think we should not eat too much meat but more vegetables beans, fruits,nuts.As colorful as possible the healthier it is in my opinion

well i dont know how old you are but i do know that eating meat is healthy, but for the young. It also depends on the kind of meat you eat. Red meat isn't good for the old or elderly but white meat is. By red meat i mean the likes of beaf, pork, bacon etc, and by white meat i mean, chicken, fish and any meat that doesnt really have blood deep in its skin that makes it look reddish. I love meat too a lot but i watch the kind of meat i eat. #smiles

Have you seen Forks Over Knives or What the Health?

I haven't seen forks over knives yet. But What the health is all lies and propaganda to get you to stop eating meat. I have nothing against vegans or their beliefs, i actually support most of it. But the truth is much more important than forcing fear on their unknowing viewers.

What part of it do you view as propaganda? Are there specific associations he makes that are fundamentally untruthful?

The documentary is targeting the meat industry and all affiliates. They do this because it is from an aggressive vegan perspective which makes their opinion biased.
This is the exact same situation as when the sugar industry paid for and promoted research and documentaries on how eating fat makes people fat and not sugar.
They are simply pushing their agenda. Also they provide zero proof for their evidence. So therefore if you believe what they are telling you, you are blindly trusting them.

eating fish is better than eating chicken

Hmm meat is the best you can eat! :-)

I agree! Everything in moderation. I think if you're active and make sure to eat lots of veggies, eating meat isn't going to hurt you one bit.

Correct. but its important that if you eat vegetables, you are not going to kook all the vitamines away...

Yes, a bit of everything :)

correct, everything you do have to be in balance. Look at all things in nature. Everything is in balannce.

Yup, like meat, like everything else! Having a balanced diet is one big signal of a long life!

correct, everything you do have to be in balance. Look at all things in nature. Everything is in balannce.

Meat is super tasty. Most of the dishes I love to cook have meat at their core! I love it's color and texture. It's totally irreplaceable. Vegans always try and give me alternatives, but I haven't ever found something even half as good a replacement as the original thing.


i also like meat...Though over meat is not good for health..@justyy

Well, over-anything is not good for the health, right from the meaning of the word over-

Does over-health exist?

lol that's a good question, that I don't know haha

It is absolutely true that healthier food is necessary along with wealth.

Exactly! Money is but a tool you use to live well, but if you spend your life suffering, wealth is without a purpose (and even debatable).

Nicely put, Sharon
Money = options for your actions.
How you eat, exercise, sleep, have fun.
More money = more options. Less money = less options.

lean meat is your friend....or just moderation

Measure is the key
Watched the movie Eat Pray Love recently
Well, seems like Balance is very important in our lives.
A little bit of this a little bit of that

i am a fresh,i wanna make friends here

welcome curry

There's nothing wrong with meat. It contains easier obtainable proteins as well as iron, that a lot of vegetarians are low on. Also the fat is extremely healthy. Sugar is bad. Fat is good. Of course, not 2 kg of fat pr. day. Just add some veggies and some fish and you're good to go.

excellent explanation !!! ... the meat is not harmful, eating the excess is what harm

yes of course eating healthy and living well should be everyone one steemit new yr resolution while we steem

You literally typed what was on my mind.

Meat is not unhealthy in moderate quantities! It's bad for the animals, though. They die from it! (Like, when we kill them to eat them 😂.

Really, Why you like eat meat?

Meat is the best. Look at the strength of Goku :-)

If you can stay away from meat enough time you'll realize one day that it is not as good as you might think. Without counting the fact that it is the first factor of civilization's illness like cancers and diabete, industrial farming plays also an evil role kept generally untold on major medias in climatic changes.

Meat is life!