Traditional Vietnamese Food is verry great
Pho is the first mentioned dish. This is a traditional dish and can also be considered the most typical dish for Vietnamese cuisine. The main ingredient of pho is noodles and broth with beef or chicken sliced thin with spices such as: pepper, lemon, fish sauce, chilli ... Depending on the region where pho has processing methods and incense different taste more or less. Internationally, there are many Vietnamese specialty pho restaurants opened in North America, Europe and Australia. Particularly in the United States, unofficial statistics show that sales of Vietnamese pho noodles amounted to $ 500 million a year.
- Banh xeo
Banh xeo is a typical Vietnamese type of cake, with an outer powder, inside which is shrimp, meat, bean sprouts, yellowed, rounded or semicircular. Depending on localities in Vietnam, the cake has its own processing and flavor. Often there are two main styles are crispy pancakes and crispy pancakes. Cake served with raw vegetables and dipping sauce with sweet and sour sauce.
- Fried rice
Rice is a specialty of South Vietnam, cooked from rice. Chicken breast, egg omelet, paprika and pickles such as papaya, carrot, cabbage, cucumber ... In addition, eat rice plate must be mommy , as water sauce mixed with water and add sugar. The proper pattern of use of which should use and it and dice should be used with the style of people.
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