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RE: Why Don’t We Like Eating Healthy?

in #food9 years ago

Great and important article, and I would also like to add some things. As a kid growing up, I was a sugar addict, so I have experience of that, though I have never been obese.

Understand that the manipulators who make vast profits from sugar have a lot of studies they spend a fortune on. For example, there is parts of our brain that light up when we eat natural sugars, and this corresponds in part with why many animals, insects, including humans will seek out fruits, because they are good for you. So what the sugar-pushers do is exploit this and substitute THEIR products which are far from healthy. And these despicable immoral profiteers target the children also. You cannot get lower than that.

How many people will eg have natural fruit and then pile on sugar, and/or ice cream (which is really mostly sugar). it is insanity, because there is nothing more wonderful than the subtle tastes of different fruits, and yet people want to drown them in anti-nutrient sugars.

It is ironic that in the more ancient past the 'peasant diet' in Europe would have been mostly organic, whilst is was mainly the ruling class es who chose 'refined' foods and therefore many had rotten teeth etc. NOW it has totally reversed. It is mainly those on high inclines who can afford organic foods, whilst the 'working class' are pushed McDonalds MCcrap food and drink, and 'cool celebs' push it too on TV etc. So it is thought to be really uncool to eat healthy diets IF you can even afford to because it is more expensive.


Thank you for reading and valuable comment.

Julianoneill, you are right about the sugar and how it is affecting the brain. The "addicted" brain plays a huge role in changing your bad eating habits into a healthy eating habit for life.