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RE: I fed 40,000 free meals last year and hope to feed MORE this year! Here is a look at just SOME of what I accomplished last week

in #food8 years ago

I was the one that said to take the (Tribe) garden south ! When I CAN escape to mexico (Acapulco) I DO intend to do exactly what your doing in HELLISH Arlington ! Can you IMAGINE being able to grow year round, not to mention some of the nicest people on earth. I want to help export good souls from Slavestate USA to a more FREE life ! I'm 55 and i grew up thinking the way you do, so I can really relate to what you are doing !
look forward to seeing your tribe grow too, just hope the THUGS don't come back !!!
best wishes and happiness/Freedom to you all !


Expansion is a given and each time will be more awesome than before!