Indonesia is famous for a variety of culinary ranging from ordinary to what is considered strange by foreigners. In fact, these foods are usually consumed daily by Indonesian citizens.
However, the food we take for granted, instead of foreign tourists think otherwise. So, if you are on vacation in Indonesia, must try this food. Here's the list of foods:
1. Gut
In Indonesia, the intestine into a dish that is usually eaten. However, in the western country, the inside of the chicken is considered dirty and unhealthy to eat. Usually, they only process the meat only.
2. Ceker
Ceker is also commonly consumed by the homeland community, the bottom of this chicken can be cooked as a soup, fried, roasted or a mixture of chicken noodles. For most western countries, claws are considered waste and are usually discarded.
3. Snails
This slow-moving animal became a meal in my spare time. In some areas of Indonesia, snails are often served with sauce, fried or burned.
4. Rambutan
The fruit with a sweet taste and contain many of these vitamins into one of the fruit consumed by Indonesians. However, with a strange shape, the Caucasians do not believe if rambutan is a type of fruit.
5. Pete and jengkol
Many people like this type of snack. However, the odor generated after eating pete and jengkol make the western people are reluctant to consume them.
Thank you for reading my article, hopefully this entry into the list of foods you want to eat during a vacation trip in Indonesia.
Sekilas info : Jengkol sekarang harganya sedang naik. Heeehe
efek lebaran mungkin mas :D
Terimah Kasih. I do like rambutan. An additional unusual one would be durian, it's really an acquired taste. I did not acquire a taste for it when I tried it. Selamat malam.
For me this food is strange and more I would experience !! :))