Are Chipotle Chicken Bowls Good For Bodybuilding and Is It Healthy?

in #food6 years ago (edited)

Are Chipotle Chicken Bowls Good For Bodybuilding and Is It Healthy?


I don’t know about you guys, but the American Establishment, Chipotle, is a life saver for all millennials. Who doesn’t like cheap and good tasting food, cooked with “fresh ingredients?” We all know Chipotle is notorious for its salmonella and E. coli scare about 5 years ago. Many people gave up Chipotle as they were afraid to get sick. Funny enough, that was the time I started trying Chipotle! And I fell in love. I now eat Chipotle probably 3 times a week. I’m in there so often I get buy one get one FREE coupons and all the workers know me by name! In addition to that I have Chipotle napkins littered all over my apartment, but I digress….

So is Chipotle healthy for you? Well that question is subjective. Are you eating Chipotle to gain muscle, lose weight, or maintain a healthy physique? Personally, I believe the food options you can get at Chipotle fuel all of those goals.

For Gaining Muscle:

This is what I get at Chipotle: A chicken bowl with brown rice, pinto beans, black beans, corn, and romaine lettuce. Pretty simple ingredients but essential for hitting your macros!



You need macronutrients (a type of food (e.g., fat, protein, carbohydrate) required in large amounts in the human diet.) to get big and muscular. For macros you need about a 1 lb of protein per bodyweight a day. I weigh 180 lbs. so I need to hit 180 grams of protein in a day! This bowl has 55g of protein, so it helps me get about 1/3 of the way there!

Surprisingly you need .3 to .6 lbs. of bodyfat to gain muscle, contrary to public opinion! This chicken bowl has 17.5 grams of fat, again 1/3 of the way there to reach my minimum fat macros. I usually get my other 2/3 of fat from peanut butter, avocados (or in this case guacamole!), or eggs (all healthy fats).

The third important macro that I take into account is caloric intake. If you have an sedentary job and you work out 3-5 times a week, general rule of thumb is to multiply your weight by 18. So my 180 pounds multiplied by a factor of 18 would require me to have 3240 calories in a day. The calories in this chicken bowl displayed are about 760, I get extra rice usually and that bumps it up to about 900 calories. So three Chipotle like equivalent meals and a snack or two could get me to my 3240 calorie goal for the day!


The corn and lettuce also provide for some MICROnutrients (a chemical element or substance required in trace amounts for the normal growth and development of living organisms.) Corn has boron (B), chlorine (Cl), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), and zinc (Zn).

Romaine lettuce is a good source of Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Copper, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Thiamin, Folate, Iron, Potassium and Manganese.



So are there parts of Chipotle that are unhealthy?

One of the biggest criticisms of Chipotle is the amount of sodium in a typical meal. However, a lot of the sodium lies in its flour tortillas. The sodium in my meal was relatively high, 1800 mg. Conventional nutritionists recommend you do not eat more than 2300 mg of sodium a day. Almost my whole daily serving was in that one chicken bowl! High sodium has been linked to cause high blood pressure and risk of heart disease. Although this meal includes a lot of sodium you can counteract the sodium you act by two well-known methods: drinking extra water and eating potassium. Drinking water and eating bananas that contain potassium help flood the extra sodium out from your blood!

Chipotle uses GMO products in some of its ingredients. It publicly states on its website which foods contain GMOs. Although GMOs haven’t been proven totally unhealthy and there is a lot of debate up in the air on both sides. GMOs are so recent that we don’t know the long term effect on humans.


Chipotle is an inexpensive and convenient meal for most Americans. It contains both the macro and micro nutrients required in a healthy diet for building muscle. It contains the right amount of protein, fats, and calories; as well as some vegetables that provide a lot of essential vitamins and minerals. Chipotle does have some unhealthy components such as high sodium and GMOs but these can be counteracted by consuming water and bananas and being wary of which ingredients you are eating. I hope this article helped you guys and maybe you’ll be convinced to add Chipotle to your diet!

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Until Next Time...Best Regards

Fitness Guy


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What does this mean sir?

Nice man. I see your writing style continues to improve.

I see nothing wrong with having Chipotle. Pretty standard food for a standard diet. I personally don't like it when food brands emphasize that they are "all natural" since defining "natural" is completely subjective. Coca Cola is technically flavored with "natural ingredients" so the whole term is bullshit.

As for the GMOs, I'm pretty sure that research has come out debunking its harmful effects. In the end, many people just hate large corporations and are going to find any excuse to pull people away from them...

Boiled chicken is the healthiest way to consume it. It prevents adding on any additional fats which might happen during the process of further cooking the chicken. However boiled chicken becomes very bland and tasteless if you are eating it regularly. I generally cycle through a number of recipes in order to make it less boring. There are a number of healthy chicken recipes available over the internet.

However your body building goals will actually help you determine how you want to eat it. If you want to avoid fat at all costs then have it boiled. If you are in the gaining phase you can add the chicken to some whole wheat pasta and have it. Along with the way to eat, the timing and the amount of chicken you are eating will also play an important role.

I agree boiled chicken is the easiest, less fat and sodium! I do put a little seasoning on but it can get bland. I don't do chipotle everyday! Hey thanks for the comment :)

Interesting one @jfitmisc
Protein in any form is good for health I guess....
GMOs generally do not pose any harm but its like, people have moved to believe that if its a GMO it will harm us, but its not the case.

This is a solid source of protein and protein from meat is one of the best! Yes, people are suspicious of GMOs. They have improved a lot of people's lives actually by curing starvation and making food more accessible to others!

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

It publically states on its website which foods contain GMOs.
It should be publicly instead of publically.

Thank you good sir. Fixed.

Very good healthy .content ..helpful Post

Your welcome. Thanks for reading.

Thank you sir @jfitmisc for share your amazing tips for us, heath related article needed for every one as steem user or other people...

From today i am your follower..

Your welcome. Any health knowledge I can bring to make the world a better place fulfills me!

Amber Ale. Trust me. The two will work together.

Amber Ale and Chipotle?? Never heard of that!

we have the power to change negative thoughts and feelings into positive, rational, motivating thoughts, and in doing so, help create a healthy mind in a healthy body.

That's a good positive outlook to have. Can't have a healthy mind without a healthy body and vice versa!

hehe nice body,, i love it

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Yes definitely

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