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RE: Honesty Boxes And The Intrinsic Trust Required Among Strangers

in #food9 years ago

Lovely photos, and I really enjoyed reading your post - I've upvoted and followed you, Isabella :o) We have an Honesty Box which my OH made and I hand painted, for the occasions on which my feathered friends lay more eggs than we need in the B&B my family runs, which is in Derbyshire, England. On a few occasions we've had people either take eggs without paying, or they've left less than the amount we ask for them. But the vast majority of people are honest with our honesty box, happily - which is great, because the proceeds go back into organic, non-GMO feed for the ladies :o) I'd post you a pic, but I've no idea how to!


Awesome! I love buying eggs from honesty boxes, it is one of the best finds as real free -range organic eggs are hard to come by and I don't trust what is in the shops. Good on you @jaytaylor.