a few weeks back i wrote about my phat fudge journey well heres an update
my friends love it its a sweet healthy treat , that really powers up your day !
i have been a big fan of bullet proof / caveman /keto type foods and this is defiantly another TOOL in the chest
its really fun watching peoples face when i tell them that eating healthy fats is how you will actually loose wieght and have more energy in the day
i compare it to switch from gas to electric gas its a different fuel for a different engine .....
you switch off glycogen and power up on keytones
its a more stable fuel , its better for your brain, and helps maintain lean body mass
if you are over weight, when you run out your " food fuel " your body is still in fat burning mode so it just looks around at the bodies fat stores and keeps burning only now its fuel is your gut !
the key is avoiding carbs and sugars
eat some nice steamed greens smothered in grass fed butter
small servings of lean meat like venison or grass fed beef
fatty foods like avocados , nuts ( butters too ) fish, smoked oysters , smoked salmon , jerky
then try intermitn fasting to let your body feast on its fat stores
leave comments love to know your thoughts and check out my previous article about my phat fudge bars when i get enough support i will release parts of my recipe !