Veggie easy delicious pie

in #food7 years ago


Hi there,

Time to serve you a new recipe ! It might help you tonight when you'll scratch your head wondering what to serve for dinner...
Today I show you how to do a delicious 100 % home made pie with veggies. It's is a winner because kids will like it as well as adults, and you just have to serve it with some salads.

The thing for a very good pie is to make the base yourself instead of buying a pre-made one. For this recipe we will make a shortcrust pastry. Note that it is much easier and quicker to make than a puff pastry.

Ingredients for the pastry:

  • 300 g of flour
  • 150 g of butter
  • 1 egg
  • a bit of warm water
  • a pinch of salt

NB: I prefer make the pastry with my hands, it works just better

  1. Pour the flour in a big bowl, add the salt and mix.
  2. The butter have to be cut in small dices and have to be soft, but not liquid. The best is to put the butter outside 30 min before starting to cook.
  3. Add the egg and the soft butter in the bowl. Mix all the ingredients until you get a ball of pastry. It mustn't be too sticky.
  4. If it is too dry: add a little bit of warm water. If it is too sticky: add a bit of flour.


  1. On your kitchen counter, put a bit a flour where you will spread the pastry. This way it wont stick to your counter.
  2. Spread it gently until it has the good size. It depend on your dish but generally with this amount of ingredients it should be 20/30 cm of diameter more or less.
  3. Then fold it in 4 and place it on your dish (so that you have grease with a bit of butter before hand). Unfold, it's almost done !
  4. Use a fork to prick your base. My mom used to do it, so I do it. It actually prevent the formation of air bubbles.


That's DONE we can do the toppings !

Ingredients for topping:

  • 2 big tomatoes (you can also use a bench of cherry tomatoes, it taste wonderfull and looks nice!)
  • 4 medium size mushrooms
  • 1 onion
  • a bit of feta
  • a bit of white cheddar
  • 2 big eggs (or 3 small)
  • sweet basil or fresh basil
  • salt and pepper
  1. Slice your tomatoes, your onion and your mushrooms.
  2. Fry the onion.
  3. Beat your eggs. Add salt and pepper. Put this mix aside for later.
  4. Grate your cheddar.
  5. When the onion are fried, put the on the pastry base.
  6. Add the mushrooms, then the tomatoes.
  7. Crumble the feta on the top of it.
  8. Pour the beaten eggs mix around, try to put a bit of it everywhere.
  9. Add the cheddar, and then sprinkle a bit of basil on the top.


  1. It's ready ! Let's put it in the oven. For me it's 170°C for 40 minutes but don't forgot to have a look often. When the pastry is crusty and the cheese melted and start to be brown, it's good.


Serve this pie with some salad. I have made an avo and tomato salad, with some olive oil; and a carrot and apple (green smith) mix. It's fresh and healthy !


I hope you enjoyed this recipe, tell me if it worked for you :)
