This Lockdown Life Day-19, you know it does not mean bad times, but our times can be made more enjoyable if we try a little with delicious food.
Due to the coronavirus, the number of deaths is increasing every day in the world. To prevent this virus, we should increase our body's immunity. We should all eat healthy foods every day.
So today I will share with you, a recipe that will help us to increase our immune system. Tomatoes are very beneficial to our health.
Today I will show you how to make Tomato Chutney recipe.
For this you need:
- Tomato
- Onion Slice
- Soybean Oil
- Green Chili (Like quantity)
- Chili powder (Like quantity)
- Yellow powder (Like quantity)
- Cumin powder (Like quantity)
- Coriander powder (Like quantity)
- Salt (Like quantity)
Check the video and watch how I make it more delicious.
Be healthy- Be safe!
Enjoy Quarantine Life
|> tania <|
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