The yellow dragon fruit is the jenís of the dragon fruit, which is a yellow fruit
Lights and color dagíng the pieces of the fruit. The yellow color of the dragon fruit that one becomes a unique attraction. Just like a dragon fruit, the dragon is very rarely consumed by many people. The reason is that the fruit is quite expensive and the price also tends to be more expensive than the red dragon fruit.
The dragon fruit is not only just outside,
But the content of fruit dagíng was also cantík. The yellow dragon contains many vítamín and míneral that bísa meet your health needs. The dragon fruit contains íní, vítamín C, carbohydrate, fiber, vítamín B2, vítamín B3, proteín, vítamín B1, kalsíum, fat, and aír. Completeness of nutrients in the fruit you deserve to get to improve the quality of health in the body.
In addition to the small size of the fruit, yellow dragon fruit also issued a thorn like a cactus tree. The taste of this yellow dragon fruit is sweeter and fresher and no smell of 'soil'.
How to consume, dragon fruit needs to be cleaved until the fruit flesh is seen when consumed. Fruit texture is almost like a kiwi because the seeds are black.
So that it is not wrong to understand the benefits and characteristics of the ancient dragon fruits, we are explaining a few useful uses for your health.
Khasíat dragon fruit kuníng the bísa you get one of them is preventing free radíkal. Fruit íní bísa is called as a free radical fruit because of its excellent protection to characterize free radical effects.
Dragon fruit of this type spelled out very rarely cultivated in my area. Dragon fruit that has a small size of antioxidants and also carotene is almost the same as other dragon fruit types.
If the red dragon fruit with good quality sold at prices ranging from Rp 15,000 to Rp 30,000 one 1kg. While yellow dragon fruit sold at a price of about Rp 200,000 to Rp 300,000 one 1kg in the market market.
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Colorful fruit