Homemade Candy--Nougat 新年手工糖果-牛轧糖

in #food7 years ago


Hi steemians:

During Spring Festival, we do many things to celebrate it. Today I would like to share with you a simple and delicious candy -nougat. I only used peanut, butter, milk powder and marshmallow . It is easy to make at home. And I feel that making nougat is like a chemical experiment, all the ingredients mix together by degrees, cool it and then became a kind of delicious candy! Especially in the spring festival.

If you like it, you can try it and add some other ingredients according to your favorite flavor,such as cocoa powder, matcha, hazelnut and other fruits. When you work or study, you feel tired, you can take a bar of nougat candy from your box, it is so nice!




butter 50 g
peanut 300 g
marshmallow 300 g
milk powder 125 g
candy paper


  1. Preheat oven to 150 C. Pour peanuts into a baking tray and bake them for about 15 min.

  2. Cool peanut and peel them.


3.Place butter in a non-sticky frying pan, melt it over low heat.

4.And then add marshmallows to the pan, melt it over low heat until mix well.


5.Add in milk powder, stir-fry it until mix well.


6.Add in cooked peanut, mix well.


7.Pour the Nougats in a baking tray, and line the base of the dish with greaseproof paper, press it to flat.


8.Cool it and then cut it into pieces.


  1. Wrap them with glutinous rice paper and candy paper in order to be preserved better.




做得过程中,有两个地方处理比较麻烦一点。一是花生去皮,闲麻烦可以买现成的去完皮的花生仁。二是操作期间会非常得粘,需要用力翻炒才行。最后再用模具按压平整就好了。喜欢的同学可以做做看,也可以按照自己喜欢的口味添加配料,比如可可粉,或者抹茶粉, 坚果可以选择榛子,开心果等等。当你工作或者学习累了,偶尔剥一颗自己做的糖果,真是太享受了!


棉花糖 300 g
花生 300 g
黄油 50 g
奶粉 125 g
糯米纸 适量
外包装糖纸 适量





4、 将50克黄油倒入平底锅中,小火融化。

5、 然后倒入300克棉花糖,小火搅拌至棉花糖融化并与黄油充分融合。一定要最小火哦!

6、 将奶粉倒入锅中,小火搅拌至与棉花糖充分混合。还是最小火。

7、 将去过皮的熟花生倒入锅中,小火搅拌均匀。关火。


9、取出牛轧糖,切成小块,就可以享用啦。余下的用糖纸包装好, 可以密封保存起来。

My recent post:




Well done ..
it will be better with almond I think
Thank you for your participation and your description with us



looks so tasty! thanks for the recipe!

@helen 好手艺!




Not sure if i can get the right recipe here in west africa but i am sure its gonna be yummy!







作为不大爱吃糖的小伙伴 表示对牛轧糖🍬没有抵抗力~


Wow thanks for sharing the recipe with us.

Looks much more better then the candy we buy in shops.
at least we know all the components and It really looks vert tasty and sweet.

thanks@cryptosteve, you are right, when we do it, we will know all the ingredients and get to know some good and bad.

Very beautifull your pic

candy is very beautiful when we look at it and it must be very nice my friend @helene, i will upvote and resstem.

thank you for your support@taillah.

same my friend i will always follow you @helene.

looks wonderful

First time ever I was able to see how to make homemade sweets. That’s what I love about steemiens like you. I get to know sooo many new things. I have already done few recipes from steemit comunity and it was surprisingly delicious.
You are doing an amazing job!

thank you @milano1113. Yeah, there are many people sharing new things we didn't know. I also really like here.

did you made this .. thats very intresting

Yeah, I did. and it was really interesting. we(my child helped me to do) spent much time on wrapping it. but we all felt sweet!

And me who just went on a Low carb diet 😭 i wanna make these

i always candy like

it must taste very good, to divide her candy

spring festivals and candy on top of that ...isnt that exciting

That looks delicious. Might give it a try and have it for a dessert!!

its the most quick and easy way for such a yummiest sweets , definitely a great delight for Christmas trick or treat !!! thank you sooo muck @Helene for sharing such an easy and amazing way of creating #awesome #mouth lingering candies ... defiantly !! gonna give it a try , hopefully wont burn anything :D

@blue-eye012, don't worry, it was really easy and hope you can finish it perfectly.:)

It is completely such a delicious chemical experiment, i want to try it!!

wonderful recipe

I love homemade sweets and your recipe is very simple. I can't wait to try it. Have a great day!

thank you @allesia good luck to you !

Amazing work dear...making toffees need much time in preparation...but your time gets worthful....it's looking really nice like markets boughts..really appreciating....:)

thank you @angeljuhi. Yeah, it actually took me much time to do this, especially wrapped them one by one..

Wow...it's seems so good! love your post! please kindly check out my post and upvote if​ you like my post :). Neet to meet you!

okey. :)

Sweet is love <3

what a great idea!!! delicious!!!

thanks so much !!@almarte

wooow yummy.... want to taste it... eye catching

I love nougat candies. I used to buy them often when I lived in Hong Kong. Your candy make me miss all the great confectionery shops in Asia.

thank you @hello-sunshine, glad it reminds of you some life in Hongkong and Asia. have a good day!

Wow! It looks so good! very original! I didnt saw this recipe before!

thank you !

AJ picked your post @helene for his #TOP5 FOOD POST. Visit AJ's FOOD ROUNDUP to view where your post is ranked.

This is very helpful and yummy

Thank you so much for this recipe. It looks like I can try this recipe with different variations. I never thought that making candy can be so easy.

you are welcome, @deesy, yeah, infact, some common dessert look simple. :)

No matter how hard you are, never change the beauty of your soul to the dead cold of a stone! Even if you are broken - sprout again

Such an original and delicious recipe. And the preparation is quite simple. Thank you for telling me that. My kids love candy, I'll make it for them. Great idea!

thanks@anna-mi, Yeah, my kid also love it, when I finished it, he told me happily that he would give his classmates some candy. :)

@helene 周末我就试试:)


谢谢你!I will definitely try it out.


damn,wanna hv sex after seeing ur art.ur arts make people horny

No offense, but for people with peanut allergies you can substitute the peanuts with soy or sunflower. Also, it could be tasty to add berries.

無意冒犯, 但對於花生過敏的人, 你可以用大豆或向日葵代替花生。另外, 添加漿果也很好吃。


You must love what you eat, or love the person you are preparing. Cooking is an act of love. I liked your post, thank you

an excellent post. very fond of sweet and with nuts. I can imagine how delicious it is