Rejuvenate and Cleanse Your Body With This Antioxidant Smoothie!🌈🌈

in #food β€’ 7 years ago

Who doesn't love feeling their best? I know I do!

That's why I created this smoothie to pack my body full of all kinds of nutrients and minerals! Great skin, extra energy and a bit of detox all in one glass! 🌈🌈

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Some of you might know from my last post What Happens When You Take Food Away From A Food Blogger that I started a 72 hour (3 day) fast on Saturday. Right now, as I write to you, I have succeeded past that goal and am pulling up to 84 hours strong! Now, moving back into eating, I need very healthy, beneficial foods to fill my now cleansed body!

Having a break from food periodically such as once a month, once quarterly, once every half a year or even once a year can have incredible benefits to your system. For example, people have been able to eradicate illnesses, disease and physical impairments all by giving their body some extra time and energy to zone in on the problem and correct it! Our bodies are amazing! But, I'll write more on my fast and how that went for me later... for now... I'm sure you'd love to learn how to make this sooooo...

Let's get to it!

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Note: it can be tricky to get the layers to float on top pf one another- it's about weight!

What You Need:


  • 1 handful of strawberries
  • 1/4 cup papaya
  • 1 handful of goji berries (keep adding until you get desired red)
  • 1 tsp chia
  • 1 small orange
  • 1 orange mango
  • 1/4 cup pineapple
  • 1 banana
  • 3 pieces of jackfruit
  • 1 tsp spiralina
  • half of a green starfruit
  • blue pea flower (soaked in water)
  • 1/4 cup soursop (white to pick up the blue)
  • 1 tsp chia
  • 1/4 cup dragonfruit

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What to do:

  • Blend each color group together separately starting with red and working up to purple.
  • After each layer is blended, carefully pour it into the glass as evenly as possible.
  • Voila! 🌈


  • So many antioxidants (detoxifying the body)!**
  • A, B, C, D, K, E vitamins
  • Minerals such as iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, copper, folate (just to name a few)
  • Inflammation fighting
  • Source of dietary fiber
  • Cleanses skin, giving a glowing, smoother appearance
  • Makes you feel BEAUTIFUL drinking it!
    Go ahead, try not to smile when you have this in your hand!


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I truly believe we can heal ourselves through food and it is my mission in life to create and inspire delicious, mouth watering creations that are beneficial and packed full of plant based goodies to fuel our bodies, minds and lives!
Just a friendly reminder to all that I am hosting a very vegan contest click here to see the post explaining how to get involved! Anyone can enter and anyone can win as long as you follow the rules! πŸ’–

Until next time!

Sending you love through food,

While you're here, check out some other great recipes!
Mocha Chocolate Cheesecake for Breakfast!
Lucky Leprechaun Mint Choco Nice Cream Bites
Delicious Vegan Cheese Spread
Easy + Healthy Chocolate Pancakes
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Wow. This looks so delicious and so beautiful.
You must live in a tropical country to get all these amazing fresh fruits, like goji berries. I have only seen dried goji berries here in Canada.
Thanks for sharing this tropical cleansing smoothie with us. I will definitely try this out when I'm back in El Salvador, just have to write the recipe down.
So creative.

Haha sometimes I forget about that fact to tell you the truth! I know the fruit dilemma, I'm originally from Canada but now I live in Bali. The goji's I used are dried, they aren't usually seen very often fresh so you can do it from that standpoint! I hate to advocate for canned food but I know they have a lot of the stuff you can't get there in cans -_- ... on another note, I sure miss the berries, apples and stone fruit back home ;)

Give it a try down South. If I recall correctly, all of the above should be available in ES. Not sure about goji as it's from Asia but give it a try :)

I suspect it is a great deal healthier than the clear liquid I drink out of a mason jar.

Haha well, this sure is jam-packed full of goodies to help your body! I don't know what you're drinking though ;)

No worries it is full on vegan!

I also practice a one day fast from time to time, I feel so better after that. I love your photos and the recipe, thanks for sharing :) I am a food blogger and new on steemit, so I'd appreciate it if you check my blog. Thanks :)

Hi @grandadscookbook- of course I will check you out :) This was a 3.5 day fast. Pretty wild one too! I started off with 1 day at a time and worked my way up. I'm attempting for a 7 day soon, hopefully I can get myself there, the benefits just increase over time!

Looking forward to getting to know you and since you're a food blogger- if you are able/interested in creating any vegan recipes, I run #veganwednesday which is a contest you can see here that promotes vegan recipes and experiences! You're welcome to join :)

I will definitely take part in your contest, thanks for sharing it with me :) And I wish you success with the fast

Great! So excited to have you get involved! I'll be dealing out the winnings when I wake up :)

Oops somehow my comment never posted to you and just did now! I got my brother to judge last week but we're back at it again this week! Hope you'll join in again :)

Yaaaaamy Yaaaaamy from the shape of the delicious I loved the colors and wonderful and refreshing

Thank you @lafifi :)

Dang! That sounds and looks tasty AF!! Gonna have to give it a shot when I come across some of those exotic fruits..

Haha well why thank you! I know some of these fruits aren't as easy to come by if you're not living in the tropics but you can switch out what you don't have for the same colors as long as you mind the weight of the layers :)

I love fasting, I do intermittent fasting daily and I can really feel the difference as my body has the opportunity to heal itself when it's not busy digesting food.

Oh how amazing! I feel like it's really important to do- can be hard when first getting into it. I took too long of a break between my last fast and this 84 hours was really quite challenging. I wish everyone knew the benefits it can have instead of fearing it so! Keep it up! β™₯

Thank you for the amazing recipe and for spreading the message of health here on the platform. This rainbow smoothie looks sooo good β™₯

But of course my dear, isn't that what we're here for? :) β™₯ I love our little healthy food community we've got going ;)

Yeah I love it, too β™₯β™₯β™₯

Where have you been my friend? Still recovering from dad's visit?

I couldn't read or write while I was fasting. To be honest I had to get that alcohol out of my system. My dad's a big wine drinker and convinced me to have a few glasses with him. He was here for 3 months so I needed to fast for a while ;) β™₯

Wow...totally understand. How is it going for you, my dear? I wish you strength. Yes, let's get them out and fill you with Olawalium's love dose. Haha.

Hahaha well that is a strong dose indeed :) Thank you for sending that to me!

Anytime. I am always here for you dear.

It's absolutely beautiful.
A smoothie or a juice for me is put the ingredients in and grind. Presentation matters not to me, only what I ingest.
But I certainly appreciate the beauty in this-for you :)

I'm glad your fast went well, looking forward to the report.

I ended up swirling it all together in the end anyway so I guess the cheat version is throw everything in blender. Blend. Drink ;)

This was a lot of effort figuring out how to make it float and not sink- not for everybody I suppose but for someone who loves playing with food like me, perfect ;) β™₯

The fast... yes, I need to follow up on that. I fell behind on here during it but I'll definitely share more, I would love for people to know the benefits available :) Thank you for the reminder!

Now that is a fantastic way to taste the rainbow! :)

They say the healthiest meals have all the colors of the rainbow within! I just love pretty things ;) β™₯

That smoothie is terrific! Really like the colours and layers!πŸ’•

Thanks girl! I wish I would have done the layers a bit more smooth but I was so hungry haha :)