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RE: FOOD FROM THE WILD - @papa-pepper Goes Deer Hunting For the First Time Ever!!!

in #food8 years ago

Congratulations on your first deer. Here's to many more - with the same efficiency, too. And good job in finding your deer. That can be a challenge. I'm glad you guys didn't quit looking until you found it. Arkansas' resident game license is a great deal. Their deer may not be the biggest, but they are plentiful. My dad gets a few every year, in a setting that looks a lot like yours. If you fill out all your tags, you are set, with them and the small game. Here's to good game management and buddies that will help you out with your hunt!


So far so good on efficiency. I've now got four shots fired and four deer in the bag. Working on the post now.

Congratulations! That's efficiency, alright! You are a seasoned deer hunter by now! And pretty good at dressing down those deer, too! Enjoy all your venison -- and spicy jerky! :D

AH yes! Spicy Jerky!

Yeah, that was really nice of my neighbor to take me out for my first time.

I'm considering waking up early and trying again in the morning.

Thanks @haphazard-hstead!

Good luck! And I predict you will make some spicy jerky with your deer and peppers, lol. ; )

You would be correct!