Hot and Sower Soup.

in #food7 years ago



  1. Breath of paddy half a kilo
  2. Cockpit half cup
  3. Team 6
  4. Shrimp half cup
  5. 8 pieces of lemon grass
  6. Cornflower 6 tablespoons
  7. 5 tablespoons of red chillies
  8. Sugar two tablespoons of sugar
  9. 4 glasses of cranberry paste
    10 lemon juice 4 table spoons
  10. Salt like taste


First sprinkle the bone of the cock and strain 12 stocks. Then cut the cock meat and shrimp pieces. Take 1 cup of water in Cornflower. Then take half the cornflowers and eggs in the stock of the cock in the egg. Then put meat, shrimp, cucumber, sugar, lemon grass, chillis, salt together. Repeat 15-17 minutes frequently during the stove.
168_HOT N SOUR SOUP হট এন্ড সাওয়ার স্যুপ10071.jpg

Reduce the oven to 3-4 minutes after the lemon juice rolls lightly. Give more salt and chillies if needed.