Thank you for this wonderful article ... :-)
It is the original way that Thai people enjoyed Pa Thong Ko :D
And you know what ! from this article it makes me miss Thailand so bad .. hopefully I could arrange the schedule and visit my family this year.
However, since we don't have "real Pa Thong Ko" in New Orleans, so I decided to go and get these Beignets from Cafe Du Monde instead.
They are similar .. but I promise that i will get the real Pa Thong Ko when I arrive Thailand for sure :-)
Thank you again a wonderful article which make me miss Thailand so much :-)
Wow, thanks for sending a pic of Beignets from Cafe Du Monde in New Orleans! I love that place and the beignets. The food in New Orleans is so good!
Sorry for late reply but finally I make it !!! yaye !Hi @chefsteve
Well, also love the southern food too and I know that you also love our Thai food food sooooooo much too lol :-) ... thank you again for the post of "Pa-Thing-Ko" which make me stopped and read and know you ... honestly !! your post made me had a great day at "Cafe Du Monde" .. Hope to read more from you .. / have a great day :-)
Thanks for your kind words! I am still in BKK and have a ton of new content. I'll be posting soon!
Here you go !!
And I am sure I would enjoy all of them
:-) Great !! @chefsteve