Something That Probably Shouldn't Be, Yet Is
There are times when @generikat takes the easy way out. I know! Shocking! Usually my exit to the lazy side is due to an acute amount of exhaustion or resultant from a dose of nostalgia. The canned biscuit donuts are a bit of both.
First, the nostalgia bit: When I was a young teen we lived in this little burg called Thorne Bay, Alaska. It was a little logging village on the west side of Prince of Wales Island. It started as a logging camp and morphed into a little mill town. Almost any time there was a community event that required a modicum of fundraising, this gal named Julie would trot out her donuts. Notice I use the non-proper, slangish spelling of doughnuts, for I feel it would be raised, fried dough blasphemy to refer to them any other way.
In the town's small community center, Julie would have a deep fryer set up on a rickety wooden folding table. The smell of processed dough frying in vegetable oil would grab a hold of your consciousness like a starch and sugar laden tractor beam. So great was the oil-dripping, fat-fueled attention grabbing device that you would cease conversatin and drift toward her table of processed food glory.
Once arriving you would behold a sight that would make both Jenny Craig investors and your stomach cheer in jubliation. Adorning the table were cardboard box upon boxes of biscuit donuts. Julie called her version maple bars, for she spooned homemade maple glaze atop each donut, sort of a crowning glory upon her bastardization of one of the world's favorite fried foods.
I don't care how blasphemous their existence is, those things were hotter than a North Korean cave and more delicious than an accidental direct deposit! Think unexpected Steem Power good! Another example would be a whale upvoting your comment unexpectedly good.
Now we move on to the second bit: Laziness. I have been working so incredibly hard lately. Extra hours at work, running children everywhere, school scheduling and planning, teaching, harvesting and canning, winter prep. You name some basic chore related to homeschooling, harvesting, or librarian work, and I've probably done it. Last night I attended a rifle and gun club yearly meeting with my husband, and afterward we went and did some grocery shopping. As I was walking by the canned biscuits and thinking about what I wanted to do for my kiddos for a fun Sunday breakfast, canned biscuit donuts slapped me in the awareness with full processed carbohydrate force.
I quickly snatched a couple of cans of biscuits out of the cooler, and at .48 a can, you really can't beat the treat price wise. Health-wise I think there are way better choices, but as I haven't made the biscuit donuts for at least 9 months, I, in no way think that my family's health is in imminent danger from dastardly donut over-consumption. There is something to be said for indulging in small, simple pleasures on occasion, for things of indulgence mean way more when they are a treat and not the rule.
I put a deep skillet (a deep fryer works nice if you have one) onto the stove and got some vegetable oil heating. You want it around 350 degrees, not too hot or your donuts will resemble an over-roasted turkey instead of golden brown donut.
While the donuts were cooking I melted some butter in a bowl, added vanilla extract, milk, whipping cream, and powdered sugar, and whisked the mixture with a fork until I had a nice little glaze. I like to use maple flavoring instead or with the vanilla, but the little Hawaiians like vanilla, and as I was making the donuts for them, I made what they liked.
After cooking the donuts, I swirled the glaze on top of each one, placed the plate in front of my children, and watched the whole batch dissapear.
I have made these donuts so many times over the years that I can complete an entire batch and be out sitting on my lanai drinking some Kauai coffee with coconut oil in it in about ten minutes. Not a bad way to start my Sunday morning to be sure!
Canned Biscuit Donuts
1 can of biscuits
vegetable oilHeat oil to 350 degrees. While oil is heating press each biscuit as flat as you can. Fry each pressed biscuit in the heated oil until each side is golden brown. Drain on a paper towel lined plate.
Vanilla Glaze
2 TBSP's melted butter
1 TBSP milk
1 TBSP cream (you can use another TBSP of milk if you don't have cream)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup powdered sugarAdd all ingredients to a bowl and whisk until smooth. Smother your still warm donuts in sweet glaze hug and eat until your blood sugar hits new heights. Then take a walk.
I hope you all are having the most scintillating Sunday!!!
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Those look really good and easy enough even I might be able to make a batch. Thanks for showing us how...🐓
Ha ha ha! Yes, this recipe makes you feel really good about yourself! 😊 Thanks for stopping by!
That seems delightful and it is always good to invoke a memory from growing up! Those sound so tasty. I have not noticed canned biscuits in Panama, but I need to look for some again. If I find some, I know my kids would love these! My mom used to make some type of donut and shake the still hot donuts in a bag filled with cinnamon and sugar. I need to ask her for that recipe. Sounds tasty. I have a mini donut maker and I usually just cook funfetti donuts in it. The kids love those! :) Thanks for the post!!
Funfetti donuts! yum! My aunt got us one of those mini cake donut makers, I've made blueberry and chocolate donuts in it, but the funfetti idea is genius! Lucky kiddos!
The donuts in a bag sound divine! I have a friend that makes traditional doughnuts that have mace and lemon zest in them, and I could totally eat 2 bakers dozen of them without blinking, they are soo good!
Mmm, I bet there is some pastry lurking in Panama that you could make some donuts out of, I am so curious as to what you might find! I swear half the cooler at the grocery store here in Idaho is canned bread products of some sort, lol! Thank you so much for the comment!
Our "Costco" has crescent rolls and a local bakery sells their dough that they also make donuts with. I need to look more into it!! :)
that seems to be great that was too good i guess :D
The lumps of fried dough were inhaled by my two children, both of whom grunted in carb caused satisfaction, lol!
I love biscuits and you just turned them into a whole different treat that I must try out !!
Oh! I sure hope that you enjoy them! It is a really easy bit of fried dough indulgence, for sure! I just can't believe how many things you can do with canned biscuits, people are always surprising me with their awesome creativity😊
I'm not really a fan of biscuits, but those donuts look delicious. Thanks for sharing.
You are most welcome! Those biscuits in disguise are pretty tasty, lol!
I love cookies and especially salty and sweety at the same time.

Those are pieces of art not food, ha ha! I like foods that combine opposite tastes and textures too!
Love your post - sounds just like me! I try to make things homemade whenever possible, but sometimes using a store-bought shortcut is great! Thanks for the recipe, will have to try it out!
Everyone could use a good shortcut now and then! Some days I utilize them far more than I would like that's for sure. I hope you enjoy!
Should definitely be! I'd love this. Very jealous right now. 😉
Uh oh! Can't have that, you better find some canned biscuits and veg oil quick, lol!
hey generikat, think your kids would inhale these trout? I totally did it! raised trout in my backyard. I'm so happy lol.
I don't know about my two offspring, but I would totally inhale some of your beautiful backyard trout! I know engineers that couldn't successfully run an aquaculture system, awesome job!
Wow, such praise :D thanks a lot.
For your post propagation.