These fennel seeds will give a touch of freshness and aroma to our butter cookies.
1 cup and ½ or 165 g of impalpable sugar
3 cups or 330g wheat flour
1 cup or 225g butter or margarine with salt
5 tablespoons fennel seeds
2 tablespoons vanilla
2 beaten eggs
Envoplast" or paper film
The first thing to do before starting with the preparations is to look for all the utensils to use to have them on hand, as well as all the ingredients, since we can forget to add something to our preparation; we will measure them, weigh them and everything that is necessary.
We can use a kitchen helper or simply make the mixture in a bowl and with the help of a trowel.
The first step is to whisk the butter or margarine until it becomes creamy.
Add the sugar and mix
Now the eggs, the vanilla. Mix
Combine the fennel seeds with the flour
Add flour and seeds to mix
Once our mixture is ready we will wrap it in paper film or envoplast (without the paper remaining in the mixture) to reserve for 2-3 hours.
NOTE: The mixture must be very firm and consistent once taken out of the refrigerator, if not, you can keep it in the freezer for another 30 minutes.
When our biscuit mix is firm, we will remove the paper and cut it with a knife.
Before starting to bake, heat the oven to 200ºC.
On a baking sheet we will place our cookies and bake them in the oven at 150ºC for 10 minutes or when they smell like cookies (this means they are ready).
PS: Sorry about the dirt on the tray. I forgot to take the picture when I started baking.
Our cookies are already baked and at room temperature, now let's eat!
Relato📑 y Fotos 📷 por: @gatoconbotas. Las fotos han sido capturadas con:
IPS LCD 5,2 pulgadas FullHD (424ppp) | |
12 megapíxeles, flash LED | |
8 megapíxeles |
Acompañadas con leche ricas.