It's another wonderful day in the Garden of Eden, and we're sharing another wonderful feast!
Life is really amazing in our ecovillage, and our food reality is no exception! We have more than enough of everything for all of our volunteers, plus an abundance to share with our extended community! We feed 40,000 free meals a year, all prepared sustainably in our outdoor kitchen over rocket stoves we built by hand out of dirt. We burn fence panels that were otherwise destined for the landfill, thereby giving new value to "trash" that was on its was to pollute the Earth.
Everything tastes better when it's made with honor and integrity!
We had another delicious vegetarian feast today because we're wrapping up our anti-candida cleanse with a diet that eliminates sugar, wheat, meat, and dairy. Everyone here is feeling better for it, and we still get to enjoy wonderful, high vibe food!
Today we had sweet potato & squash soup, fresh raw salad, vegan mashed potatoes, several kinds of lightly cooked veggies including mushrooms, zucchini, and snap peas, and some steamed broccoli and cauliflower.
Soups are a super favorite around here! It's an easy (and yummy!!) way to cook for a crowd, and the broth ends up highly nutritious and satisfying. We used sweet potatoes, onions, cabbage, carrots, butternut squash, garlic, and lots of fresh herbs to make this soup that's high in beta carotene.
We also had broccoli and cauliflower so steemy that it fogged the camera lens! We sprinkled them with super fragrant and super powered rosemary from our garden. This potent herb has anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, and it aids digestion!
We made a pan of sautéed onions and mushrooms with more rosemary as well. Most people here really love mushrooms, and they add a nice "meaty" texture and earthy flavor that is very satisfying even for people who usually eat meat.
We made a really lovely raw cauliflower dish that calls for finely chopped cauliflower with garlic, green onions, bell pepper, and carrots. It ends up being a bit like a rice pilaf in texture with many more nutrients than a white rice based dish would have. Raw foods are fantastic for any diet, as they help maintain an alkaline environment in the human body.
Food is important and we hope to inspire people to really take time to eat, enjoy it, and share it with someone you love. We also hope to inspire more and more sustainable practices in regards to food.
If you would like to know more about our unique and super sustainable connection to our food cycle, please check out our previous post here.
I really love squash.
So nice to be able to eat so much food every day and have it be so SUSTAINABLE.
What a life!
Squash is so yummy! There are so many different varieties to enjoy too!
It feels really great to have so much delicious, healthy, sustainable food to share with so many people - it's an amazing reality. ❤
We are blessed~*~
Wow what a wonderful organization, I just checked out your site and I am so inspired. I live in a very small town on the Sunshine Coast in British Columbia, we have a farm and are working towards a fully self sustained lifestyle. Some day I would love to come and experience your lifestyle. Keep planting your seeds of inspiration and be the change this world so desperately needs.
Get back to you roots!
Love, peace, & happiness
from Megan Noel @ Sun Twist Acres
Check out our website @
Thank you so much, @suntwist! We appreciate your support, especially given that you are aware of the farm life and what it takes to keep that going. Would be an honor to have you visit - we love to share our sustainable solutions, as we have re-imagined every aspect of life to support ALL beings & our living planet.
Great dishes @gardenofeden that give a real idea of food!
Thank you, @serkagan! We're happy to provide real food inspiration!
Wow Delicious Post of Food. Great Post. Upvoted and Followed!!
Thank you!!
Delicious! I love sweet potato & squash soup, my favorite!
We love it too - it's a classic!!
Muy delicioso....:)
y saludable!!
There are actually ways to be a vegan and still a delicious food. I myself been growing up with vegan food but I was still eating a little meat here and there but I am trying to commit to eat more of vegetarian this year and those are on my cooking list!
Absolutely, there is no reason to trade taste for health when you can have the best of both! We have a lot of people come through our ecovillage for variable lengths of time, and sometimes we have more vegetarians/vegans and sometimes we have more carnivores. Right now, most but not all people here like at least some meat sometimes.
Diet is such a great science experiment, and it can always change based on what you feel is most appropriate for yourself at the time! It's a lot of fun to observe how your favorite foods affect your body, and to see people's preferences shift towards those foods that make them feel at their most primo best. Enjoy your experimenting, @macchiata!
ahhh esta sopa está para levantar a un enfermo de la cama! jajaja
Nuestra comida tiene poderes súper curativos, @samic jajaja!!
The food looks so delicious and heart warming. Feeding 40,000 people a year is really amazing...
There's more than enough for everyone! And you know, if every person just fed/helped one person, then everyone on Earth would be taken care of - we want to inspire people to think like this.
I agree. We feed many of our neighbours off of our small garden plot. Most can't afford fresh fruits and vegetables so we help out when we can.
It looks really awesome.
Thanks, even though this is fairly simple cooking for us, it is still quite awesome!
This inspires me to be vegetarian. Thanks for sharing, I will tell my dad @joshvel to make us that Soup.
Most of us aren't "officially" vegetarian, but we are all noticing a difference in how we feel on the days we eliminate meat, wheat, sugar, and dairy. We definitely encourage a plant based diet! Hope you enjoy the soup, @syami & @joshvel!!
Today I was puzzled by the question of preparing a good fruit dessert for my family.
Here at the same time I want to ask you: are you preparing any desserts in the absence of sweets? Or do you prefer to eat fresh fruit?
By the way, how do you feel about coconuts?Good afternoon, @gardenofeden! The post, as always, is magnificent. Thank you!
This looks like a great project that I can get behind 100%. I will upvote and follow in order to lend a bit of support to your posts. Where is your eco-village located by the way?
If you like travel, food, writing & photo blogs give mine a peek. I'm currently focused around Southeast Asia, particularly Vietnam, Cambodia & Thailand. If you like what you see give me a follow. N worries wither way, I'm still supporting this project.
Anyhow, best of luck and happy trails!
Thanks for the support! We're in Arlington, Texas.
my pleasure! Keep up the good work @gardenofeden, I like your style : - )
Looking delicious,,,,,,,,
Oh yes!!
You really are inspiring, this looks absolutely wonderful.
Buenas fotos, y buena redacción
Saludos :)