NEWS: Despite Threats of Fine or Arrest, Our Community Fed Over 300 Healthy, Delicious, Sustainable Meals to People Living on the Streets of Fort Worth!

in #food8 years ago (edited)

We celebrated International Day of Peace today by feeding hundreds of homeless people, despite the fact that it is illegal to do so! How UNpeaceful is that?!

For us, it's more incentive to care for our fellow brother and sister in the face of the tyrannical police state. To comply unjust laws is to support and perpetuate all the problems. That's why we choose to live in the Garden of Eden, so that every day we create the world we want to live in.

The Eden Knights invested 35 man hours in harvesting, preparing, packaging, delivering, serving, and cleaning up 300+ meals for the homeless people in downtown Fort Worth, Texas on this fine Wednesday. That's 7 hours more efficient than our last feed the need event!

Quinn rocked his new Steemit T to show some love for this cutting-edge community! When we do something we like to benefit and help as many people as possible! Steemians are some of our new FAVORITE people!

We prepared 8 gallons of 2 delicious and healthy soups, hot dogs, guacamole, fresh harvested peaches, apples, strawberries, pastries, and bottles of filtered water in our sustainable outdoor kitchen using salvaged resources and stoves built out of dirt to provide for people in need. 

We do more than white bread sandwiches. This is sustainable, delicious, and healthy food that is better than some people with homes eat! 

We saddled up the Eden Knights and buckled in the soup to travel to downtown Fort Worth, where people are living on the streets. 

There are hundreds of thousands of homeless people in this country, the richest nation on earth! Around 3,000 people are homeless in the DFW metroplex area. 

When we arrived on the side of the road, someone told us we risked being fined if we served homemade food on a particular corner, because it is actually illegal to feed the homeless in our area without first spending time acquiring costly permits, licenses, and equipment.

We do not bend to fit ourselves to systems that do not align with our values, so we set up across the street and served anyway. There were actually security vans that patrolled the area looking for illegal feedings that we had to avoid!

People kept coming and coming! For over an hour, hundreds of people lined up to fill their bellies and talk with us. 

The soup was a big hit, and many people were happy to have fresh apples, peaches, and strawberries! 

Some people were just excited to see a friendly face and engage in real human interaction. Not only is being homeless physically difficult by being out in the dirty, loud, harsh environment every day, but these people are treated like cockroaches. To have a meal better than what they usually get is great, but to have a real conversation with people who actually care is where the real value is, and we're committed to doing that. 

Thanks to our abundance, it wasn't the homeless people looking through the garbage today! We even collected the dishes and silverware from the trash to bring home and clean in our well water for reuse, per our sustainable standards. 

Of course, we brought our children, who responsibly occupied themselves in play, We were warned that this was not a safe area for women and children because 30% of the homeless population here are registered sex offenders, but we do not operate in fear. We held space for peace and love, and our mission was a great success! 

This is what we do. We exist not only to serve our fellow man, but to show that a better way is possible. There is truly an abundance of everything. It is our right, duty, and privilege to share, and we are grateful for the opportunity to do so.

We do this with or without Steemit, but it is really satisfying to use this platform to show how easy and fun caring for others can be! We're so grateful for all the support we've received here! Everything we earn from our operations, including the rewards we receive on this revolutionary exchange, are dedicated to feeding, clothing, housing, and educating more people than ever before! 

Poverty is not a difficult problem to solve, but will take a reconsideration of values. Not only does 40% of the food produced in America get thrown away, which is tragic in itself, but this country spends almost $600 billion a year on war. We believe resources can be better utilized, and we show how. 


What a wonderful day! It feels so good to be a part of days like this. True fulfillment is priceless and the real exchanges we had with these people were fulfilling for all involved!

Shellie you are an inspiration and our success would be much more difficult without you!

So grateful to be a part of this!
What an honor and how fulfilling it is to live a life with such honorable purpose!
Thank you for this opportunity! May it inspire others as it has inspired me!

such a beautiful post of such a fulfilling day. So grateful to be a part of it and to see how happy and benefited these people were. A true gift indeed!

So grateful you are a part of it!

This post is even better than mine!
I didn't plan this to be on international peace day...Hahahha it just turns out that there is ONE day of the year for that...HAHAHAHA how sad! Thankfully this is my life every day and so of course I am naturally doing something fitting for the ONE day the world sets aside for such miracles!
Hope a lot of people see this and love it!

None of this would be happening if not for you!
We love you SOOO much!

I am very disappointed in the steemit community when a post like this gets $2 and there are hundreds of posts making hundreds of $ reviewing food they ate at a restaurant, or a trip they took to have fun etc etc. I have not seen a single count let alone a post that is doing something so sustainable or helpful for the greater good.

I am super disappointed too that something so beneficial in all regards is not better supported by this Steemit community. I suppose that is just a result of where people really are in their awareness of what real change is and how to achieve it. Steemit is so revolutionary, yet still those who are supported with the $ are those who are doing the opposite of making a beneficial contribution to society. I think people are really unaware of how their participation in common daily activities actually encourage, reinforce and perpetuate the status quo which they themselves complain needs to be changed. Every dollar spent at grocery stores, with corporations, etc. is in direct conflict with the possibilities of building a better world. Thank you @quinneaker and the @gardenofeden for being the change and for showing it is possible even without the support of those who say that's what they want. I am grateful to be making a difference with my life's energy and that our dedication is not swayed by lack of support. We have more food!!! Let's go now and give someone they only meal they may today!

We're here to change VALUES and create WORTH.

This is a NEW economy, #Steemit.

Great post as always. You all are a huge inspiration, a bright light in this dim world. How sad that your efforts are considered illegal. Keep up the good fight - Steem ON

Thank you for your support! The more people that support this in whatever way they do the more powerful it is!
We all have the power to contribute to the world we want to live in!

I know right!?!? What has the world come to...
All the more reason to do what we do!

Keep up the great work. Wish I could vote harder.

Thank you! Please resteem if you feel inspired!

Hahhahaahha I know how you feel!
A couple cent vote just doesnt feel very valuable does it...
Well hopefully by supporting eachother and other good content we will slowly but surely have some actual influence.

kudos - for the good deeds @gardenofeden

it is actually illegal to feed the homeless in our area without first spending time acquiring costly permits, licenses, and equipment.

and yet they don't do anything for them - no solution offered - sighs

Thank you @englishtchrivy! It's not good enough for us that these are the standards, so we live the solution we want to see in this world.

we live in the solution we want to see in this world


Isn't it interesting the actual currency spent on the purchased permits and licencing 1) doesn't go toward educating, housing, or creating sustainable programs to assist those in need into an improved life of their own choosing and 2) that ANY revenue received from permits, certifications, and licensing in general is not held accountable in a clearly concise manner which is easily-accessible to the public?

I can see both sides of the issue (as far as permits goes)... however, if the licensing (like the government itself) isn't operated in an open, accountable, and honorable manner - then one is put in a black and white situation of choosing to follow the protocol... or choosing not to follow the protocol.

To use a Star Wars reference:

Join the rebel alliance? Or submit to the empire? (-_-)

Interesting maybe, and unfortunately not surprising. To uphold our own honor, we will not comply with unjust systems.

I love this keep up the great work.

We will. Though it is bewildering to me that more people don't support this project. I mean a vote is like free money and people are upvoting movie reviews a photographs but not this post. I see almost no new posts doing anything close to this significant.
Oh well, thankfully we don't rely on others support to do the right thing.

Thank you! We are super committed to building a better world for ALL!