Hello hello my dear hivers food lovers, welcome once again to my blog, I am very happy to greet you, I hope you all had a great day. I'm stopping by at this time to show you the dinner I prepared tonight, a little while ago. They are pork burgers that I made with few ingredients that were the ones I had at home, yet they were super yummy, sometimes with few ingredients we can still prepare a delicious meal.
Siempre trato de mantener en la alacena panes de hamburguesas, ya les he comentado antes que me encantan y cada que me provoca preparo alguna. Hoy fue uno de esos días, fui a la nevera y encontré carne de cerdo, huevos, cebolla y tomate; con esos pocos ingredientes preparé unas hamburguesas muy delis.
I always try to keep hamburger buns in the pantry, I have told you before that I love hamburgers and every time I feel like it I prepare one. Today was one of those days, I went to the fridge and found pork, eggs, onion and tomato; with those few ingredients I prepared some very delicious hamburgers.
Empecé sazonado el cerdo con ajo y sal, y lo llevé a cocinar en una sartén con aceite bien caliente. Cuando estuvo listo retiré del fuego y reservé.
I started by seasoning the pork with garlic and salt, and cooked it in a pan with very hot oil. When it was ready, I removed it from the heat and set it aside.
Luego freí dos huevos.
Then I fried two eggs.
Coloqué los panes a baño maría. Este es el paso más importante a la hora de hacer mis hamburguesas, me encanta el pan caliente y blandito.
I put the buns in a bain-marie. This is the most important step when making my burgers, I love warm and soft bread.
Corté un poco de tomate y cebolla, la cebolla la puse a sofreír, este fue el toque para que la hamburguesa quedara más deli.
I cut some tomato and onion, I put the onion to sauté, this was the touch to make the burger more delicious.
Ya teniendo listos todos mis ingredientes, pasé al montaje:
Coloqué solo mayonesa, prefiero casi siempre solo mayonesa y en poca cantidad, luego coloqué el huevo, la carne, y por último la cebolla sofrita y el tomate.
Now that I had all my ingredients ready, I moved on to the assembly:
I placed only mayonnaise, I almost always prefer only mayonnaise and in small quantity, then I placed the egg, the meat, and finally the sautéed onion and tomato.
Serví y disfruté. ¡Yummy!
La verdad me encantaron, el pan suavecito y la cebolla sofrita para mi fueron lo mejor.
I served and enjoyed. Yummy!
I really loved them, the soft bread and the fried onion were the best part for me.
Y de esta manera me despido de ustedes, gracias por leerme. Espero que descansen y que mañana tengan todos un grandioso día. Nos vemos luego. Dios nos bendiga.
And in this way I say goodbye to you, thank you for reading me. I hope you all rest and have a great day tomorrow. See you all later. God bless you all.
La redacción y las fotografías son de mi propiedad. Las imágenes fueron editadas con Picsa y el texto traducido con Deepl.
The writing and photographs are my property. The images were edited with Picsa and the text translated with Deepl.