TOP 5 REASONS why eating meat is NOT a personal choice...

in #food7 years ago (edited)

A lot of people say that eating meat is a personal choice. I discuss whether this is actually the case or not with my top 5 reasons why it probably is not a personal choice.

▶️ DTube

Ill have to disagree with all but point number 3 i think.

Yes intensive mono-culture anything is detrimental to the environment, this is true for plant based foods too.
C02 is NOT an environmental polutant, and the comparison here with un-burnt petroleum should never have been made as this is far more toxic to your health and the environment. Ehaust gas is comprised of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, oxygen, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide and other trace elements, no where near the same level of atmostpheric polutants are produced by animal farming. This is manipulated science for political and corporate agendas.
Of course i'm not going to just leave you with just my opinion on the latter, as it is such a heated topic.
So here is a link to some Non- politically of finatially motivated climate science

Now lets look at what is often required in order to eat healthily on a plant based diet:
You will often need to consume imported food, shipped, flown or trucked around the globe. If your not eating local organic then your missing the point.

Consuming plants that have not been grown organically with a focus on nutrient density will leave you unhealthy and undernourished, welcome to the supplement scam.

There is the fact that there are many different types of human bodies, we are not all the same, and to assume that is just wrong.

Then there is the inappropriate ratio of animal products to plant food being consumed by the average person. Due to political and corporate propaganda this has been manipulated to increase animal products and grain consumption to maximize profit.

I have no problem with plant based diets, and i strive to achieve a higher consumption of seasonal plant foods, however i practice appropriate animal husbandry, and thus can ethically justify having and consuming my own animals, and the wild animals that are hunted in my area.

It is not my intent to demonize or discriminate, but i think all perspectives need to be heard and considered.

"Consuming plants that have not been grown organically with a focus on nutrient density will leave you unhealthy and undernourished, welcome to the supplement scam."

Huh? I don't eat organics. My blood test results are fantastic.

"There is the fact that there are many different types of human bodies, we are not all the same, and to assume that is just wrong."

Every single human being is a biological/physiological frugivore. Compare our physiology to the rest of the animal kingdom and EVERY HUMAN BEING lines right up with frugivores.

Food is already shipped around the planet. Where do you think animal feed comes from? It is grown in various places and shipped around to other places.

You say all that, as if you care about the environment, and then say 'I practice appropriate animal husbandry' when such a model is far worse than growing crops. Meat eaters require 18x more land than vegans to produce their food. Even if we don't eat local organic, a larger vegan economy has hugely positive environmental outcomes. Have you even seen Cowspiracy and checked their sources?

And if you deny that the climate is changing, simply because some people that would also like global government are using it to push their agenda, then you really need to reconsider that. It's not about watching some ice falling into the sea, it's about seeing what is actually happening with our ocean's ecosystems. It could simply be a massive coincidence, or it could be that man is having a disastrous impact upon the planet because of how fast were are consuming its resources and outputting all sorts of gases and pollutants.

Climate change is absolutely happening. Even if climate change isnt entirely man-made, then wild animal and plant populations are still very much threatened by it. Our impact on the planet for other reasons is harming these vulnerable populations. Animal agriculture, including grazing, is the biggest cause of deforestation and desertification.

You're not gonna have your fantasy world of animal agriculture in the 21st century. The human population is over 7 billion. The majority of them would like to eat meat. There are factory farms for a reason. You think they want to pay $100+ a kilo for meat? Would it seriously kill you to eat beans instead?

TL;DR: Get your selfish head out of your selfish rear-end.


Good for you that you can hunt animals (i guess sustainability in your local area but most people on planet are consuming factory animal farm meat) but what about the health implications of eating meat, does that not bother you?

no where near the same level of atmostpheric polutants are produced by animal farming

YES they are creating atmospheric and all kinds of other pollutants

A staggering 51 percent or more of global greenhouse-gas emissions are caused by animal agriculture, according to a report published by the Worldwatch Institute. According to the United Nations, a global shift toward a vegan diet is necessary to combat the worst effects of climate change.

It takes an enormous amount of water to grow crops for animals to eat, clean filthy factory farms, and give animals water to drink. A single cow used for milk can drink up to 50 gallons of water per day—or twice that amount in hot weather—and it takes 683 gallons of water to produce just 1 gallon of milk. It takes more than 2,400 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of beef, while producing 1 pound of tofu only requires 244 gallons of water. By going vegan, one person can save approximately 219,000 gallons of water a year.

Runoff from factory farms and livestock grazing is one of the leading causes of pollution in our rivers and lakes. The EPA notes that bacteria and viruses can be carried by the runoff and that groundwater can be contaminated.

Using land to grow crops for animals is vastly inefficient. It takes almost 20 times less land to feed someone on a plant-based (vegan) diet than it does to feed a meat-eater since the crops are consumed directly instead of being used to feed animals. According to the U.N. Convention to Combat Desertification, it takes up to 10 pounds of grain to produce just 1 pound of meat, and in the United States alone, 56 million acres of land are used to grow feed for animals, while only 4 million acres are producing plants for humans to eat.

More than 90 percent of all Amazon rainforest land cleared since 1970 is used for grazing livestock. In addition, one of the main crops grown in the rainforest is soybeans used for animal feed. (The soybeans used in most veggie burger, tofu, and soy milk products sold in the United States are grown right here in the U.S.)


Great work @footsoldier thanks for sharing, AND caring!

Because we are up against the big guns of corporatocracy...the giant agribusinesses, meat and dairy marketing boards, together with the drug dealers...oops sorry I mean doctors, and corrupt scientists in the pay of big pHARMa there is a HUGE vested interest in debunking the vegan diet, controlled opposition to it, and literally years of advertising and marketing spin thats brainwashed the majority into accepting that meat and dairy are necessary for human health...the implication is always "you'll die" if you don't eat their daily recommended doses of death!

All of which neatly whitewashes the fact that we are ingesting the unnecessary pain and suffering of our fellow creatures who neither want to die or suffer! And as if that isn't enough we are also eating all the poisons and pesticides, antiobotics GMO mutations and all so a pack of pernicious people make piles of profit!!!

If CJD hasn't eaten your brain up...this really is a no brainer...go vegan...even if you care just a tiny bit...its the ONLY choice in these mad, bad times!

Great video. Shared on fakebook. Anyone vegans out there wanna have some fun? Firstly let’s find a vegan whale or two or potential investor and let’s set up an account with delegated by Steem a sbd downvote posts that have recipes and pictures that include dead flesh and even any animal products! Anyone?

thanks a lot! In terms of down voting, AFAIK it is only supposed to be used to filter out spam and illegal content and is frowned upon using it to censor posts you don't like. I think commenting saying that it is horrible is probably a good idea though because people usually take comments more seriously on steemit than youtube. I'll do this now!

Firstly I am still learning about this site and after a long conversation with @ura-soul (which is now up on his channel) my understanding is that down voting can be used however anyone sees fit. It’s an anarchic structure and we can choose to use it abs we like. Besides, one of the reasons we can flag is abusive material. If there was child porn or violent content showing babies on a spit, we could would and should downvote. So why not pictures of dead lamb? I think it’s a fun way to go and fully justified. I’m going to write about it shortly.

yeah, definitely a good point. I guess it just comes back down to battling the status quo and the vegan movement is making good progress.

downvote posts that have recipes and pictures that include dead flesh and even any animal products!

But that would include downvoting the OP's post here then because he's using a pic of dead animal flesh.

Personally, I don't think censorship is acceptable. I think it's cowardly and dishonest. Wouldn't you prefer to openly debate issues rather than just throw an invisibility blanket over anyone who disagrees with you?

I hear what you say. I think that would be another angle. I do t think flagging is censorship. I think if there was an account which did blanket downvote, the content provider may also get people to support him/her to upvote. I think that downvoting would be more provocative. And sometimes that is necessary. Are you a meat eater yourself? What if there were communities that were eating human flesh? Do you think downvoting articles on how delicious babies taste would be inappropriate?

If people want to talk about eating babies I think it’s in the interest of the larger community to know about it. Ask them to discuss it. Try to understand. Gagging and censorship causes resentment and then backlash. Then it drives the behaviour underground.

Yes, I eat meat. I’ve not posted recipes but I’ve enjoyed looking at all types of recipes here — veggie and meat.

It feels wrong to waste your vp on flags or downvotes. Nobody benefits. Wouldn’t you prefer to just reward the content you prefer to encourage more of the same?

Perhaps. I need to give it some thought. I’m not sure that flagging meat dish articles will force it underground!! And maybe it’s better to vote the things I like. And I do actually vote vegans because it seems to me that they are helping everyone and the environment and he animals.

Lol true — it’d take a lot of power to hide all the meat posts.

I’m off to bed now.

Anj 😃

Hi Danny. Thanks for the food for thought. I've created a post to explore the 'meat addiction' angle. I'd love it if you'd come and share your thoughts about it.

Anj :)

awesome video, really well done! and I absolutely agree with reason number 3: eating meat is just completely unnecessary! I've been vegan for almost ten years now --> still alive 😁

The problem is just you have to know what you need to eat. If the markets were adapted to vegan or vegetarian aliments, it would be much easier to stop eating meat. On this topic I'm a selfish person: I like meat just because it tastes very good. But I (and also my family) try to at least reduce the amount of meat and eat better meat.

That's true, you have to know what you need to eat! And I think everybody should educate themselves about nutrition, eating is not something we do once every 2 months, we do it 3 to 4 times a day. Anyway, it's good that you try to reduce the amount of meat you eat, that's a very important step in my opinion :-)

good stuff mate!

If you were completely ok with it I would like to upload it to my channel. I have 29kbsubscribers and I want at least some of them to look at it. Lmk

hey man, it would be an honour. go for it!! 😃😃😃

Is anyone out there? :-D

I'm accusing @anjkara who claims to have been a vegan for 7 years, of being a fraud. She is like a Lierre Keith wanna be. Check out her fictional account here on Steemit and let me know if you agree that it's fictional.

I mean, how can someone who was a former vegan have such bad bad bad arguments against veganism? It's like they didn't even know the arguments for veganism when they (supposedly) became one.

oh no, I made a mistake in the title, it's the top 5 reasons, not top 10, oh well... :-)

haha yeah that confused me 😅

You can still change the title :D

oh yeah. updated, thanks.

I think you can't directly say that eating meat will make people starve, because (probably) the situation for them wouldn't change, if you stop doing so. But I agree with you that the resources are used ineffective and theoretically you could get more food for all the starving people.

yeah it's all about food diversion, unfair distribution etc very complex topic, of course I oversimplified to fit it in the vid. I might do another vid on that topic at a later date