A Meal Prep Today Will Help Keep the Fat Away!!!

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Hello All My Steemian Friends!!

When was the last time you did a meal prep to help you stay on track with your fitness goals??
Have you ever done one??
How did you like it??
Did you get some good results doing it??

Pardon me while I drool real quick!!!!

Lolol!!! But honestly, I can totally understand why some people don't like meal prepping!! While it may seem like nothing to some, not everyone enjoys pre-cooked food after it's been in the fridge for a few days and guess what???? That's Totally Okay!!! We ALL have our own personal preferences when it comes to food because we are ALL different people!! The key to successful meal prep and planning is knowing Yourself and doing what works best for YOU!!

My biggest pet peeve is when I get asked, "Ooh can you give me a meal plan???!!!"
This is not because I can't make one for you.... I can definitely do that!!! This bothers me because:
1.) The act of simply giving someone a meal plan teaches them NOTHING!!!
2.) Our tastes, likes, and dislikes are not the same.
3.) Our nutritional needs are different (I am NOT a nutritionist).

Early on in my professional career (13 years ago), I can't tell you how many times I have created these elaborate meal plans for clients spending hours of time and energy only to have them never follow it!!! Honestly, I even did the same thing to my trainer when I was 230 lbs and new to healthy eating and exercise!!! I know that she meant well, felt bad she wasted her time, and I totally understood how those eating those foods would help me reach my goals BUUUTTTT I still didn't follow it!!! Well, maybe for like a day or two and then I just kinda did my own thing after that!! LOL ..... I feel like such a horrible person now!!

Not all bad though because something I learned about myself over the years of trial and error is that I am perfectly fine with being Perfectly Imperfect!! I don't like food that is more than 3 days old, I don't like cold breakfast (like cereal, etc..), I hate restrictions, and I really hate being forced to eat things that I don't want! I also learned that most people are the same way and have their own preferences as to how they approach food!

Meal Prepping is super helpful but only to those that understand why and what they are doing!! It should not be about restrictions but instead about convenience!! I am not eating this food because I have to, I am eating it because I want to and as a bonus it's good for me and will save me tons of money buying fast food!!

When we focus on learning a Fitness Lifestyle (NOT a Diet), life becomes less about restrictions and more about Balance. Far too many people live in the All or Nothing world where EVERYTHING dies eventually!!! We don't have to eat perfect (clean) everyday to be healthy and happy!! We do, however, have to find a healthy balance between good and bad that will give us the results we want while maintaining our sanity at the same time!

Now, after years of experience, I no longer give my clients menu plans!!! Instead.... I give them the tools they will need to create one, show them a sample of my menu for the week, and together we sit down and create a meal plan that fits into their lifestyle with my professional guidance and support to help them reach their goals!! This way, they are not dependent on me from week to week to make a meal plan for them, they are more likely to eat the things they picked out, and are empowered knowing that they know how to eat healthy for the rest of their lives!!! And when I find new and interesting recipes, I share them with my clients to give even more options for the future and keep things fresh!!

So here are a few Tips I want to share with you if you are thinking of doing a meal prep!!

  1. Write it Down and stick to it!
    Plan out what you want to eat during the week (or a few days) before you go to the store and ONLY buy what is on the list!! When we go off target, we skip things we need and/or end up with junk food and waste the healthy food we took time and energy to prepare!!
  2. Buy in Bulk when possible and freeze extras.
    If you are on a budget, don't be afraid to buy things in bulk (such as protein and/or fruit) that can be stored in the freezer and used later so they don't spoil before you get to it. I like to buy my protein (meat) fresh, portion it out to the size I need it, individually wrap it, and then freeze it! This takes a little time but it makes life so much easier because you can just grab what you need without unthawing the entire package which takes forever!!! This is especially helpful if you don't like the texture of cooked meat after it has sat in the fridge for a few days because you can thaw it and cook it in under an hour the day you need it!
  3. Give yourself multiple options during the week.
    Some people can eat the *same thing everyday with NO problem..... I am NOT one of those people!!!! I get bored very quickly and once I am over it.... I'm OVER IT!!! LOL So I try to give myself multiple options from each macronutrient (Carbs, Proteins, and Healthy Fats) so that i can mix and match up the meals to feel like I am getting something new each time! Typically, I will make 2 different Protein(ie...Fish/Chicken), 2 different Starchy Carbs (ie...Sweet Potatoes/Quinoa) and 2-3 different Complex Carbs (ie...Green Beans/Brussel Sprouts/Broccoli).
  4. Use Portion Control Containers.
    The old school theory of weighing and measuring your food is still a very good option if you have time and want to be extremely accurate with your caloric intake!! However, Most of us ..... AIN'T GOT TIME FOR THAT!!! So the next best thing is to buy some containers that are already portioned out for you!! (Hello Amazon!!) This way, if it fits you can eat it and if it doesn't fit you know its too much!! The biggest problem with overeating is not necessarily WHAT types of foods you are eating (although that's important too) but more so HOW MUCH we are eating at one time!!! Too much of ANYTHING is bad for us, even healthy foods!! So learning to control your portions will help you create a healthy relationship with food and even allow you to eat the foods you like more often in smaller amounts!! Then if you're like me, put on a plate and make it pretty if you're at home!!

I hope these tips are helpful and please feel free to reach out to me if you have further questions about meal prepping, exercise, or how to reach your fitness goals in general!!