5 most simple cakes without baking.

in #food7 years ago (edited)

5 most simple cakes without baking.

  1. Cottage cheese and fruit cake without baking

    Cottage cheese and fruit cake without baking
    cottage cheese https://i.mycdn.me/image?id=858021102727&t=0&plc=WEB&tkn=*AtOYjr5Z_ikHCi9vjA2Pp6tKv3M
  • 200 g (cottage cheese for filling is better to take a high fat content, and
    it is desirable to wipe it through a sieve, so that in the curd layer there was not
    sour cream 20% fat content - 500 g
    Butter - 180 g
    shortbread cookie - 400 g
    gelatin -30 g
    granulated sugar - 1 glass
    grapes - 500-700 g
    walnuts - for decoration

Melt the butter on a water bath.
Grind the cookies in a fine crumb until smooth (using a rolling pin or blender) and mix with the melted butter. Allow the mixture to cool slightly.
Take a shape for the cake and lay out on it a food film (so it will be easier to get a cake). Put a mixture of butter and biscuits on the bottom of the uniform layer,
put cool in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Gelatin fill with a glass of water and leave to swell for 40-60 minutes.
Sugar sand, sour cream and cottage cheese beat well with a blender.
Swell the gelatin with a small fire and stir constantly until completely dissolved, after allowing it to cool slightly.
Pour the melted gelatin into the curd mass and mix well.
On the frozen cold cake lay a layer of grapes and pour over the top with cream cheese, then put in the refrigerator until completely cooled, for about 40 minutes.
When the cake has cooled, remove the side of the split form, gently remove the food film.
It remains to decorate the cake with chopped nuts and grapes.

  1. Poultry milk without baking

    Bird's milk without baking
    30 g of gelatin
    4 tablespoons Sahara
    4 tablespoons cocoa
    1 cup of milk
    400 g sour cream
    250 g mascarpone
    150 ml low-fat cream
    1 cup of sugar https://i.mycdn.me/image?id=858021102471&t=0&plc=WEB&tkn=*QcRCmpyJ3ROcw1_EyFdgU1WgnNk

Pour a glass of cold water 10 g of gelatin for the chocolate layer. Let it brew. Mix the sugar (4 tablespoons) and cocoa powder (4 tablespoons, I took Nesquic).
When the gelatin swells, add sugar to it with cocoa.
Warm up to dissolve gelatin. Pour into prepared form (oiled). I have a silicone shape in the form of a ring. Put in the freezer to freeze the mixture for 20-30 minutes.
Gelatin (20 g) pour 1 cup of cold milk. We leave to swell gelatin. Sour cream, mascarpone, cream low-fat and 1 glass of sugar beat up
Warm up the gelatin swelled in milk and pour into a container with
Milk mass, without turning off the mixer, and whisk until complete
mixing. Leave for 10 minutes to cool the mass.
We take out from the freezer a mold with a frozen chocolate layer. Pour out the white layer on top. We put it in the refrigerator until it freezes completely. I put it at night.
The form is turned over and we begin to turn inside out, the cake Bird's milk from it goes well.

  1. Cherry cake (without baking)

    Cherry cake (without baking)
    150 g biscuit cookies
    125 g of butter
    300 g of curd cheese
    150 g of natural yogurt
    100 g cream (11%)
    2 ct. lemon juice
    1 p. Gelatin (10 g)
    50 g of sugar (who is not sweet, you can and 100 :)
    cherry jelly
    fresh cherry. https://i.mycdn.me/image?id=851527430346&t=0&plc=WEB&tkn=*vDJqn0NFA7IXz4ZbHQ0mqHQz2No

Cook the crumbs in a blender into small pieces. Melt butter and combine with crumb.
The bottom of the split form (26 cm in diameter) is lined with baking paper, put the oil crumb, level and lightly press the palms. place in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.
Gelatin soak in 100 g of cream, allow to swell. after 20-30 minutes put in a water bath and stir until gelatin is completely dissolved. do not boil! leave to cool down.
Combine cheese cheese with yoghurt, sugar, lemon juice and vanilla. Add to
cream swollen gelatin, mix well. Put the cream on the cake, smooth and put on for 2 hours in the cold, so that the cream froze.
Halves of cherries lay on the cake, pour warm jelly. I took the finished jelly from the sachet, but you can cook it yourself.
Ready cake in the refrigerator until completely hardened.

  1. A cake with cookies, chocolate and condensed milk without baking

    Cake with cookies, chocolate and condensed milk without baking
    Ingredients (shape 24 in diameter with removable sides):
    250 g biscuit cookies
    200 g of bitter chocolate
    100 g of butter
    1/2 st boiled condensed milk
    1/2 table cream 38%
    For mousse with condensed milk:
    2 ounces of cream 38% (500 ml)
    1 packet of vanilla pudding (80 g)
    2 tbsp boiled condensed milk https://i.mycdn.me/image?id=858021101959&t=0&plc=WEB&tkn=*co53Y3dST7H-DDCKbC2lZk3egNs

150 g of bitter chocolate
150 ml cream 38%
50 g of butter

For decoration:
boiled condensed milk

We connect together chocolate, butter, boiled condensed milk and cream and put on the fire, stirring constantly bring to a homogeneous warm mass.
Then remove from heat and let cool a bit.
Cookies are broken, but not finely and are combined with chocolate mass.
Stir and put it into shape, level it.
Preparation of mousse:
In whipping cream with pudding at the end, add boiled condensed milk.
We spread mousse on a basis, we level and put in the freezer for 1 hour 30 minutes.
Cooking glaze:
Cream, chocolate and butter melt the homogeneous mass. Let's cool a little and pour the mousse on top.
We put everything in the fridge to freeze the frosting.
We fill the confectionery bag with boiled condensed milk and carry out the lines on top of the glaze.

5.Tort "Black and white" without baking

Cake "Black and White" without baking
For the basis:
200 g of shortbread cookie type "Jubilee"
~ 150 g of butter
2 tbsp. l. cocoa https://i.mycdn.me/image?id=858021101703&t=0&plc=WEB&tkn=*gHSdTcf8_b9gRGYIJl4VWEY6J4g

For cream:
250g of good white chocolate (preferably not porous, for example "Delight")
200 ml of cream 33-35%
2 bags of fixer or 1 tbsp. starch
500 g of curd cheese type "Almette" b / d (it is better to take just such a hard cheese structure)
150 grams of natural yogurt (NOT drinking)
50 g of sugar

1 pear (it is better to take a firm pear, strong, but not too green)
200 ml of red wine
2 tbsp sugar

Butter to dissolve in a saucepan. Cookies crumble (you can put cookies in a bag and cover with a towel, and then walk a good roll on it). And mix with cocoa and butter. The resulting mass is put in a mold (d24 cm), lined with baking paper, leveled,
make a side about 5 cm. And put in the refrigerator for 1 hour (or in the freezer for about half an hour).
Melt the chocolate on a hot water
bath. Cool slightly. Cream whisk with a fixer or starch in a steep resistant foam and mix it with still liquid chocolate. Gently mix by hand! Mix the curd cheese with yogurt and sugar, mix with whisk and mix with chocolate-creamy mass. Share
cream on the basis of cookies. Place the workpiece in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Pear clean, cut in half, remove the core. Wine boil with sugar, put the pear and leave for 1 hour in wine syrup. Periodically turn over.
Pear thoroughly dry with a paper towel, cut into thin slices and lay on the cake from the middle in a circle.
You can decorate the cake with chocolate chips. With the help of vegetable peeler, make these curls of chocolate. Then again, remove the cake for the night in the refrigerator, so that the filling is permanently fixed.
You can also decorate the cake with chocolate sticks and pear leaves (you can take mint or lemon balm).

Bon Appetit!!!