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RE: Plant Power! (And things to consider)

in #food8 years ago

Great info, I have been Vegetarian for 2 years now and love it!! It literally changes the way one thinks, what we eat we become am I right! Also I usually have a All in One Vega shake everyday in almond milk just in I don't get everything I need as I work hard and usually don't have time during the day to eat. But I don't even need to eat that much at this point. It's amazing how much energy you can get just from the world around you, it helps that I live near/in nature :)


I hear ya, there are different ways to go about these things and I LOVE hearing about them. Gives me inspiration to explore and learn and grow. Thank you for that!

You are very welcome! I will be starting my Blog on here soon and one path will be about Chinese Shamanic Medicine. Stay tuned! Blessings!