Romanian Sauce - Mujdei - Will make your foodie day
So today I'm gonna do my first cooking blog.
Since I'm not going to do anything timeconsuming today I thought I'll show you how to make my favorite sauce!
Its so easy to do and amazingly good, it will blow your mind and fill you with joy directly :) .
Just don't kiss anyone who didn't eat from the sauce for about 24 hours (:
First the ingredients:
1 Head Garlic
1 Teaspoon Salt
1/2 cup broth or yogurt or sour creme or water
2 Tablespoons fluid oil
Then preparing:
Hit the garlic with a knife so the skin is easy to peal and chop the garlic as small as you can.
pour the salt over the garlic and let it rest for 5 minutes. After a while the water will be absorbed and a fine paste can be
made using your sharp knife.Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Let it rest another 20-30 minutes and your good to go :)
Heavenly sauce with hotwings and fries , the perfect lazy sunday meal: