Vegetarian soup of forest mushrooms with onion cake and beet leaves.

in #food9 years ago (edited)

Good morning friends with you again @ecoosha !!! And I can not say that I am not glad that happens!  And it is especially pleasant. It is very nice to make a contribution to the development of this excellent platform. Many thanks to all who made Steemit! And of course everyone who supports me!

Oh, I digress. Let's go back to today's dish

Do not be confused by the variety of mushrooms textures in this dish - the taste is not sugary, but rather a very diverse and truly magical! In this dish you must first have fun through hands by touching the plate with hot broth. Then evaluate the difference of textures: crunchy bread, mushroom caps and elastic delicate mousse. And then use the receptors to understand the nuances of taste of this classic pair - mushrooms and onions. By the way, you can use any mushrooms, in season.


For 1 serving:

Leeks (white part only) - 20g.

White balsamic vinegar diluted with water - 2st.l.

According 1g black pepper, anise seeds and parsley

A pinch of the powder of dried porcini  (porcini mushrooms, dried, crushed in a coffee grinder)

Mushrooms - 20g.

Chanterelles - 15g.

White mushrooms - 20g.

Different forest mushrooms -  30g

Shallots (or white) - 30g.

Butter - 20g.

Mousse of mushrooms -. 40g (recipe is below)

Onion bread (recipe is below)

Pate of mushrooms - 20g. (Recipe is below)

Marinated mushrooms  - 10g.

Mushroom broth - 50ml. (Recipe is below)

Mushroom soup:

Onions - 70g.

Different forest mushrooms - 200g.

Water - 600ml.

Salt and pepper - to taste

Pate of mushrooms:

Gelatin sheets - 2 records

Onion - 200g.

Different forest mushrooms - 600g.

Butter - 50g.

Dry white wine - 50ml.

Mushroom soup - 200ml.

Cream 33% - 50ml.

Mousse of fungi:

Different forest mushrooms - 300g.

Onions - 50g.

Potatoes - 100g.

Vegetable Oil - 50ml.

A little truffle oil for flavor and aroma

Cream 33% - 100ml.

Onion Buns:

Cottage cheese - 200g.

Eggs - 2 pcs.

Milk - 100ml

Flour - 300g

Soda - 1g

vegetable oil - 70g

salt- 5g.

onions - 2 pcs.

For the lubrication of onion biscuits:

Milk - 200g.

Egg- 1pc


For decoration:

Chives (thin pen onions)

Dark toast bread

beet leaves

Dried mushrooms


So, I warn you that the dish turned out really delicious take time, so be patient and start (by you, by the way, no effort required ingredient dishes themselves will reach a desired taste, just give them a little time).

Let's start with the mushroom soup, pate and pickled leeks (it's the time you need, I told you about at the beginning):

Onions and mushrooms cut into (onion can be a little fry until golden brown) and cook until tender for about an hour on the quiet fire. Then insist another 2 hours a warm place

Soak gelatin to paste in cold water. Onion and chop mushrooms and fry in butter until onion is translucent. 

Pour the wine and give it to evaporate. Pour the broth and cook the mushrooms until tender. At the end of pouring cream, warm up and remove from heat.

We grind the whole mass in the blender. Add the pre-soaked gelatine, stir thoroughly, to gelatin is completely dispersed. Poured into a container and send pate in the fridge to cool it slightly.

Leeks are well washed and disassembled into layers. Blanshiruem until soft.

Then pickle in vinegar with seeds of anise, black pepper and parsley for 2 hours.

We took out the layers from the marinade, spread on a board and sprinkle with powder of dried mushrooms

Now make onion buns, until we have time:

Beat in a blender until smooth cottage cheese, eggs, milk, butter, and salt.

Chopped onion fried in butter, cooled, add to the batter and mix. Pour baking soda mixed with flour and knead the dough. We slip into harness and cut into equal pieces. 

Each piece attach a circular shape (in my case, one bun was square) and spread on a baking sheet with a silicone mat or parchment paper.

We lubricate each bun with a mixture of milk and eggs, and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake onion rolls at 180 C for about 30 minutes.

Note that onion rolls only slightly increase in size during baking. Therefore, the most optimal size of the dough balls for their preparation -Size of a hen's egg

So, all the longest we have done, so proceed to the final stage:

For the mousse fried mushrooms, onions and potatoes, then reduce the heat and bring to the readiness.

At the end add the cream. We grind all blender

If you have a siphon - Fill the mixture into it, if not, use a pastry bag.

Fresh white mushrooms and frozen mixture of mushrooms cut into fairly large pieces and fry with a shallot and white onion in butter until tender.

That's all we have done, let us begin to decorate all this splendor! After all, this is not afraid of the word royal dishes need an appropriate appearance.

For this dish, I chose a soup plate with a wide brim, where you can do whatever your heart desires

I advise you to decorate the fields in between cooking ingredients dishes.

On the right side of the plate, close to the deepest part, spread a large circle of bread with a hole and just below a little. Between them with a spoon for decoration draw a small pattern (I chose the floristic composition with twigs and leaves on it, you can draw whatever your heart desires)

Then take a small beet leaves (preferably with tails) and lay them randomly on the side plates, filling composition. Several leaves put a slice of bread with a hole that leaves little peeping. Torn off a few stems of chives and spread them crosswise at the beginning and end of the song. Along the bottom of the stem of onion gravy put a few points

Finish the dish, adding her dried mushrooms, diced pickled white mushroom and large sprouts. Try to put all so that the white areas of the plates within the composition as low as possible.

We spread the mousse on the plate first, then fried with shallots and mushrooms on top put a beautifully folded on the diagonal layers of marinated leeks with mushroom powder. A slice of onion bread, a little fry, grease paste and lay diagonally on pie slices marinated white fungus, put on top of chives. The broth is served in a cup separately.

That's it! Your great dish worthy of a good restaurant, you're done! Try it, and I am sure that you will again and again to indulge this dish my family!

 Subscribe to the blog, watch the news, learn how to cook at home, amaze friends and relatives new recipes. Once again I want to say that I am happy to be a part of this community!   


You can tell you work / worked in a professional kitchen )


Excellent presentation and use of vegetarian ingredients entirely. This inspires to make my own version dominated by Morel mushrooms and boiled nuts. Topped with caramelized cranberries :)

Thank you for your kind words. I love to inspire people.

As always looks delicious and my saliva drops on keyboard :)

That's funny)))

my tummy is grumbling as i type - looks amazing

Thank you!!!!

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