Dyin' in Indiana

in #food5 years ago (edited)


After WWII, my grandfather purchased two hundred acres of land on the knobs just northwest of the town of Medora Indiana. That's Me do ra as in Do Ra Me, the musical notes. I was told this as a young boy by my uncle Jakie Alan, named for my grandfather. Jakie Earl Cockerham. His brother David had been my best friend by five years old but had died in a car crash returning to Ft Knox. This was my first real experience with the loss of death.

Since that time I have said goodbye to many. Too many. One of those being my grandfather. My grandfather was a badass. I doubt many people would argue. He was. He worked at the Medora Brick plant. He raised six kids of his own & others & grandkids & he kept a garden to keep his family fed. Man do I miss that garden. Man do I miss that land. Man do I miss that man.

Jakie will always have my respect.

He held together one hell of a clan. My grandmother Nona was the best. Love is what she taught. It was her religion. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. I remember going to the Medora church where Nona played piano. I remember going down stairs and singing songs. One of my favorites went, "Love Love Love Love, the gospel in a word is Love, Love thy neighbor as thy brother, Love, Love, Love"

It was there that I learned that God is Love & by virtue, Love is God.

I've been on quite the journey since then. Flirted with Atheism. Wound up Agnostic mainly because it is impossible to know. Everyone thinks they know & many will tell you they know & even try to convince you that you can know it too but in the end, it is merely a belief. Beliefs are fine but you have to have faith. If one must have faith one must not know.

This fits in with my thoughts forged out of my young introduction to the Christian faith and my natural instinct to find some way out. I studied that faith. I studied the bible. I studied my deepest beliefs and reason and sense of decency & I have come to find that I cannot know. It says right there that one cannot even speak the name. People should take that to heart.

I'm well aware of those who argue so eloquently for the lack of any god, and certainly the G-D, YHWH, whose name we are not supposed to know or utter. To give the devil his due I find the devil is in the details.

There certainly is now a conscious mind. Billions of them.

Of all of these each of us is confined to our own. With them we receive the stimuli which makes up our individual realities. We may share these realities with others & indeed, many of us are desperate to share our realities. Some of us might see sharing realities as the only way to survive. It certainly doesn't hurt so long as the reality that we share is amicable to all who share it.

Here in Indiana, a soldier returned from a world war. He purchased land with the money granted him for going to Europe to fight in a war for Freedom. So we were told. During this war an issue arose. The Japanese took over the Philippines. All US hemp was grown there. We could not fight a war without it.

Empires have depended upon it as a military crop for centuries.

A horrible error was exposed in US domestic policy. The banning of cannabis hemp had rendered us unable to support a sustainable war effort. It was a national emergency. Indeed, the Feds put out a propaganda film, "Hemp for Victory" compelling Midwestern farmers to grow hemp for the war. Which they did.

Now, we should have lived happily ever after. But then, whoever won WWII, US agriculture, farmers & the people, lost.

Despite the exposure of the treasonous malfeasance required to allow hemp to be banned from US soil in 1937, the Department of Defense, the Department of Agriculture, the US Congress, the POTUS, the SCOTUS & the whole Hee Haw Gang turned around and banned that plant again.

Ladies & Gentlemen, this is either Criminal Negligence of the highest order or the most Treasonous Act in the history of Humanity.

Upon discovering the error in the thinking of not having a domestic hemp crop, the USG should have began a program of repatriating hemp into the US economy. As of the year of it's banning in 1937, hemp was predicted to be the first Billion dollar crop. US farming would have exploded. Small farmers would have thrived & the small communities which they built would have thrived along with them.

Who in the hell won WWII?

Not the people of this nation & not anyone with the economic interests of the US of A in mind. Whoever was making this decision did it knowingly and willingly to rob the people of this nation of their greatest national treasure. Cannabis was Legal Tender just a few hundred years ago & had been for centuries before that. People paid taxes with it, people payed their penances to the Church with it. It was currency & by all rights it still is as you read this.

If it were not valuable beyond belief it would not be regulated as it is.

To add insult to injury, the USG, rather than distributing cannabis seeds to these returning soldiers and letting them know that growing hemp would be the greatest service they could possibly provide for their nation, families & communities, decided to instead pay these men to leave their fields fallow. My grandfather as well as others saw this as dishonest. He refused. He was right about it being dishonest.

It's been a scam from day one. Cannabis prohibition is so grossly unlawful, it makes strong armed robbery look like a misdemeanor. It is beyond Felonious, it is Treasonous, with a capital T, Treason, hangable by death, type treason. It is a direct destruction of Life, Liberty & property, the sole Reason to enact Law among people. Any code or statute or legislation parading as Law that violates this is null and void.

This it true per agreed upon Universal Human Rights and the constitution which was first prepared for the people abiding in this North American territory dubbed the US of A.

“A law repugnant to the Constitution is void. An act of Congress repugnant to the Constitution cannot become a law. The Constitution supersedes all other laws and the individual’s rights shall be liberally enforced in favor of him, the clearly intended and expressly designated beneficiary.” –Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803) is a SCOTUS case & states the supreme court's standing on this issue.

I'm not here to argue Law. I only intend to state the declared purpose for Law, the protection of Life, Liberty and property. I'm here to state the universally accepted requirement for a crime, intent to do harm, or Mens Rea, which has been summarily dismissed by today's judicial system as they have destroyed the very document which they are sworn to uphold. This I will argue anytime, anywhere.

When my grandfather passed, it hurt. I always wanted to succeed for the people in my life. He was top among them. As I got older & began to see all of the obstacles in our way, many of which were placed there unjustly, it really kicked my ass. I don't like getting my ass kicked. Less what they did to my grandfather & his generation which has nearly devastated this nation at this point in history.

It is absolutely illogical, immoral and inhumane to continue this unholy ban on cannabis. Cannabis is the wealth of a nation. Buildings, bridges, roads, all of our plastic needs and all of our paper could be produced from a crop being grown by US farmers. The food that could be made with the seed from this plant would ensure full stomachs and top notch nutrition for every man woman and child.

Hemp seed is like wheat only far more nutritious. So nutritious we could eat nothing else and thrive. It even has the omegas & amino acids that we need. The essential oils. The phytocannabinoids which compliment our animal mammal endocannabinoids. These are cells present in our testicles. our ovaries, pumping through placentas, through breasts & right into the bodies of the babies which have already developed their very own ECS.

ECS is the Endocannabinoid System which exists in every animal mammal on this planet including the ones reading this. Many of you already know this. It's still mind blowing when you think about it. A system prevalent in us which creates chemicals identical to those produced in a plant? It begs the question, was this by design?

These are the sorts of things that remind me that I do not know.

On this planet grows a plant which produces an abundance of chemicals which are essential for homeostasis & health. So great is this connection that the scientists who discovered the system named it for the chemicals produced by the plant. Our bodies depend on these chemicals. That plant can ensure our bodies have plenty of it. Sounds like a match made in heaven.

There is just one small issue. This plant makes people happy. You read that right friends, it makes people happy. I know this is shocking. I know the thought of it literally drives some into a homicidal frenzy, but yes, human happiness from a molecule in a plant. In particular the one known as THC.

THC or tetrahydrocannabinol has a receptor in our brains. It was found in the late 80s & it puzzled the discoverers. Why would the human brain have a THC receptor but not produce THC? The mystery was solved a few years later with the discovery of arachidonylethanolamide, later called anandamide.

Anandamide is a neurotransmitter produced in the brain that binds to the THC receptors. It’s been called the “bliss molecule,” aptly named after ananda, the Sanskrit word for “joy, bliss, or happiness.” It is considered an endocannabinoid — a substance produced in the body that binds to cannabinoid receptors.

Joy! Joy built right into the Human system. Absolutely fantastic. Absolutely brilliant! These bodies of ours are unbelievable. They truly are astounding & glorious. Then you take into account the consciousness connected to these bodies. It's no wonder people believe in a supreme creator.

Although, If God created all of this, how in the hell can a believer support cannabis prohibition?

On dying in Indiana, we're dying faster & younger than need be. Indiana of all states ought by all Rights have a flourishing cannabis industry. The citizens here should be encouraged to grow it in their road side gardens. It should grow on the windowsills of grandmother & grandfather's house. Every child should have parental supervised access to it. Every person who can ought be encouraged to grow for anyone who cannot.

The politicians here are complicit in crimes against the people of the state. Specifically, the denial of a naturally occurring plant, one of the first domesticated on this earth for the benefits it is known to have. They are complicit for the strong armed robbery and kidnapping of citizens for growing a GOD given treasure, and they are complicit for treason against the well being & prosperity of the people living in the area now known as Indiana. All this as well as Crimes against Humanity.

Acts of governments are not needed when Crimes against Humanity are exposed. Crimes against Humanity are immediately extinguished by the overwhelming will of the people. These crimes are so heinous and repugnant that we cannot allow them to continue while considering ourselves a society with any form of rule of Law.

Lastly, I am dying in Indiana. The stress of this ungodly, unnatural, inhumane war on a plant, a currency, a food supply, a fuel supply, a building supply, a material supply & known a supply of all of these known to be safe & essential for human usage for thousands of years, is killing me.

One thing I took from Christianity above all is that Love is most important. It is with Love that I approach this situation. Our families, our communities, our economies & indeed this entire nation of people under the US of A umbrella have suffered long and hard due to this massive injustice. It effects our health, our quality of living, our prosperity and our mental & spiritual well being. Indeed this policy adversely affects us in nearly every aspect of our lives.

Due to the prolonged nature of this crime, we have witnessed the biggest transfer of wealth in Human history. Had hemp been utilized as it should have been, small farmers would have continued to thrive, the communities which sprung up among these small farmers would have continued to thrive. Our families, neighborhoods, communities, counties all would have benefited.

We can look out now & see the aftermath of this calamity. How many people do you know who are still in farming? How many small farmers still reside in our county? We have witnessed in our county the deaths of feed mills, paper mills, plastic factories, all sorts of manufacturing businesses which could have been supplied raw materials by local farms. We need roads, bridges, buildings & so much paper it's unfathomable year after year. We burn through fuel.

An economy with a thriving cannabis sector would have had the potential to thrive for centuries.

The idiom "There's no such thing as a Free Lunch" came from the "tolerance" movement. That movement was supported by the good folks at Standard Oil who were in a battle with Henry Ford to put an end to ethanol motors. That's what gave us alcohol prohibition & if you'll look to the end of it, you'll see the end of ethanol burning motors. Cannabis was a victim of petroleum as well. I suspect some of the same crooks came up with "money doesn't grow on trees".

Regardless, the strong armed robbery of the people's crops continues.

As do the deaths to which it contributes.

Dyin' in Indiana, but until then, maintaining the utmost faith that Cannabis is the Tree of Life,

Enjoy Life.

Peace from Indiana


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