A new study that was seeking to analyze a variety of cheese products, found that those popular macaroni and cheese mixes that many of us love so much, contained harmful chemicals known as phthalates.
These chemicals have been banned in the US for many years; from things like teething rings and children's rubber duck toys. Interestingly, an FDA report from a few years ago concluded that the primary source of exposure for these chemicals was food, beverages, and drugs and not toys.
Researchers suggest that these chemicals might play a role in disrupting hormones such as testosterone and might possibly contribute to learning and behavioral problems for children and increase the risk of allergies. Not only that, but they've also allegedly been linked to birth defects in infant boys.

The recent study analyzed 30 different cheese products, including popular highly processed cheese samples that you'd find in macaroni and cheese mixes. They also tested things like string cheese, cottage cheese, and shredded cheese.
At least 9 of their samples were Kraft products.
They found that for the powder cheese mixes for the popular box meals, that the concentration of the chemicals was around 4x higher.

For the 30 samples, they found the harmful chemicals in all but one of the samples.
Unfortunately, some of their samples were even labeled as organic. All of the products were purchased in the US, before being shipped for testing to Belgium.
Researchers concluded that these harmful chemicals must be in every mac and cheese product on the market and they say that it's extremely difficult for consumers to try and shop their way out of the problem.
It's believed that the chemicals migrate into the food from the manufacturing process via the different packaging and equipment that gets used. They hope that consumers will pressure manufacturers to investigate how the chemicals are making it into the products, in order to make a response plan to sort out the problem.
Getty Images - Kevork Djansezian via time.com/3829094/kraft-mac-and-cheese-color/
Liar Liar - Universal, via Giphy
Stay the F*#k away from processed foods, you'd be surprised what chemicals you even find in fresh foods, have you heard of meat glue?
😆 😆 😆

Lol a gif-versation
Since Mac and Cheese is so popular with the children, this definitely is a very dangerous thing. If the pthalates cause behavioral issues by affecting testosterone production, then the children will face problems around puberty for sure Will pass on this message to all my friends and family. Thanks for sharing. Upvoted and followed you.@doitvoluntarily -
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always enjoy your thoughtful comments! :)
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upvote and follow!!:))resteem too!!:))
I always knew there was a reason that stuff would last so long in good storage.
Oh no! Not the staple of my two kids who are attending University. Not the beloved KD of Canada. Thank you for the insight.
That orange color powder KD mix is not natural looking at all
This is a great article that can help many users along the way.Thanks for sharing with us
I just saw them talking about this on the tv news today. We just need to stay away from many processed foods.
a lot of garbage out there that's for sure!
Great read! Why am I not surprised! Funny statement though: "Researchers concluded that these harmful chemicals must be in every mac and cheese product on the market and they say that it's extremely difficult for consumers to try and shop their way out of the problem." just eat real food and make your own mac and cheese. It s so easy and fast to make. And no chemicals!
good advice!
Wow, that's so scary to know that. Thanks for sharing your research with us.
thanks for checking it out :)
I'm so glad I read this my daughter buys the dry cheese box every week and I'm going to show her this I don't want my grandsons eating this anymore, thanks for the info and have a good weekend🕊🕊
thanks for checking it out:)
Believe me I'm very glad I did have a great weekend!
NOOOO does this also apply to the mac and cheese that is in the shape of sponge bob? Because that would be devastating. Am I the only one that thinks the sponge bob mac and cheese tastes better than the regular noodle shape ones?
Well guess we shouldn't be eating them in the first place... lol
lol! your comment gave me a good laugh :) haven't tried the sponge bob variety haha
Oh man... well your missing out on amazing mac and cheese and cancer... 😂😂😂 but seriously, I know it's bad for you, but you just need to have a bite because it really is different! 😜
thanks. Won't be buying this
These foods are like cigarettes ,we know their bad yet can't help ourselves
Thanks for sharing this update. I think we all should be careful and reseach on what we eat especially where we buy our foods because most think only of profits
Great post & i like any kind of KRAFT
did you read the post ? :)
is it true... lucky i am not a big fan of Mac N Cheese. i thing in modern life style most of the food that we are consuming is containing harmful chemicals that are not good for us in long run.
Home made mac and cheese for the win ! Add what ever kind of cheese and never forget the bacon ; )
grandma always made the best mac n cheese... u just brought back memories!
I love making Mac-n-Cheese into a master piece = P
Trying different smoked cheeses and adding bacon - pancetta or prosciutto.
Never eat that sh!t from a box again..
Man ... It is a great warning of what my kids who are eating.
Thanks for the news. Upvoted :)
thanks! :)

or maybe new study "finds" this because new brand wants to come in to play? business is nasty thing!
soo true, good information!!:O
upvote and follow!!:))
Good info. I appreciate your efforts to inform the public. Did you write all this? Can i reblog it?
you mean resteem? yes i did write all of this.
I have another blog i would love to share this to. I already resteemed. If i give you credit can i reblog it?
Amazing, nice post, i upvoted you and follow you, follow me back,!
Do not forget to see my post about LOVE POETRY, hope we become good friends
There goes my childhood... X.X
Very informative. Resteemed.
Any fatty food stored in plastic is likely to contain phalates, as well as BPA. These compounds are fat soluble and any leaching from plastics will at least in part absorb into the fat of the food. Not only is this not surprising to me it's no more concerning then anything else. Kraft Mac n cheese should not be a major constituent in anyone's diet. Despite the phalate content, eating it once in a blue moon won't do you any more harm then anything else.
Look processed food isn't good, eat fruits, vegetables, low fat meat, fish, nuts, and keep things varied and you will be fine. Assuming you have a nice base diet, then eating Mac n cheese once or twice a year won't do anything. Hell a night of drinking is going to be much worse for you.
I think we spend too much of our time fear mongering about this stuff, when the end message is always the same damn thing. Moderation, moderation, moderation, moderation, moderation. Maybe if I repeat it it will stick in someone's head for once. Moderation, apply it to a lot of parts of your life. You will do pretty well.
Thats so bad. Government should concern and apply strict rules. Informative post. I like it. I follow you. Follow me too @bindu
Canadians are Fooked!!
4X the amount is shocking! Thanks for the great info. The only problem, like you mentioned....the consumer can't really avoid it with all products but one being phthalate free. I'm curious, what was the one product?
So, are they harmful to teens or just kids, because I like the shapes kind but hate the normal kraft macaroni.
It's horrible that something so delicious is so bad for you!!! Look around, everyone and I mean everyone is walking sick and dying - We are all killing ourselves with the food we eat!! Thanks for posting this - it's real!!
Can't believe all the **** they put in our food, everyday we learn something new... Even non-processed foods are not perfect... :( Upvoted thanks for the info!
It's better just to make your own mac and cheese and it taste a whole lot better , too! Thanks for posting! @doitvoluntarily
This is crazy. My son loved mac and cheese and just one day started saying, "Zuck I No Eat That Any More." Now I'm wandering if he was being poisoned by this crap. This makes me so freaking mad. He did eat homemade mac and cheese the other day. All for money and profits too I bet. No care for the safety of people. Makes me sick. Thanks for sharing!
Why these companies always play with the people's health. They forget that As you sow so shall you reap. Government should make strict laws to regulate them.