Court Documents Detail Monsanto's Collusion With The EPA

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Earlier this year, a judge unsealed documents that were part of an ongoing lawsuit against Monsanto. Those documents raised questions about the collusion that the company is alleged to have engaged in. The documents, and other recent revelations, point to corruption, indicating that the EPA and Monsanto were well aware of health risks associated to Monsanto products, yet the company continued to sell them to the public anyways and downplay health risks.

Since those documents came to light, the EPA insists that they are now looking at the chemical formulation of Roundup and they might soon decide to turn away from endorsing it with their approval. Keep in mind that this chemical is still arguably one of the most prominently used chemical products that's out there today. It's become so prevalent that the majority of food on the market today, is being genetically engineered to withstand Roundup specifically, along with other glyphosate-based herbicides.

If the EPA does move to pull glyphosate from approval then that would be a huge blow to Monsanto.

Monsanto makes billions of dollars in revenue from Roundup and it's estimated that roughly 300 million pounds of glyphosate is applied across the US to American farms every year.

The documents that were revealed not long ago are a part of an ongoing lawsuit that Monsanto is involved in, one of many. And this lawsuit in particular involves a federal court challenging the conclusion about Roundup's main ingredient and whether or not it might cause negative health effects like promoting cancer.

Hundreds of lawsuits launched by victims who claim that they developed non-Hodgkin lymphoma as a result of exposure to Monsanto's Roundup.

In those groundbreaking documents it was also revealed that Monsanto acted as its own safety reviewer by ghostwriting its own research, later attributing that to academic professionals; prompting many to now question their scientific claims about their products. Internal e-mails allegedly support the notion that Monsanto worked with a senior official at the EPA to try and silence a critical review of glyphosate. The inspector general for the EPA has responded to the crisis by launching an investigation, to find out whether or not one of their own did in fact collude with Monsanto.

And that hasn't been the only bad news for Monsanto lately. In other reports, it's also been revealed that Monsanto sold chemicals to the public for years that it knew had associated health risks. The details were released in what is being referred to as the Poison Papers Project, which is a project that sought to discover thousands of documents related to Monsanto's activities.

The report allegedly suggests that Monsanto actively endangered people and the environment by ignoring risks and selling banned pollutants that they knew could be harmful; chemicals that are referred to as PCBs. Monsanto is now being sued for clean-up costs for PCB chemicals in Washington and that could cost them billions of dollars.

Without surprise, Monsanto has refuted that allegation and denied that it engaged in any wrongdoing, though they haven't disputed the legitimacy of the documents that have been revealed. With Bayer expected to soon complete their multi-billion dollar takeover of Monsanto, these issues could pose come costly problems for them down the road. As if Monsanto wasn't already having a difficult enough time trying to market their GMO products and herbicides etc to the world, these documents allegedly detailing their shady business operations certainly don't bode well for consumer confidence.

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Great article. The revolving door between big business and government highlights how this is not a free market, rather a fascist (business in cooperation with government) society with the same companies that were behind Nazi Germany still in charge like Bayer aka Monsanto.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing...aren't these two, allegedly separate companies the result of the post war break up of IGFarben? Pretty sure monsatan is.
Let's not forget that Bayer has already been guilty of selling tainted blood, as well as other evils. The fact that either of these companies are still allowed to exisit is evidence of the sorry state of the world we live in.

Yeah exactly, the most evil people are running the show.


The bain of humanity from the (old) wartime era.... since war never really ends, it is big business for both sides of the political roundtable.

Have a nice weekend my friend.

I'm agree

Years ago Roseanne Barr called Monsanto "MonSatan" & I don't think she was far off.

I wish I knew how a company that allegedly poisons the Earth, the water, damages the soil, kills the bees & endangers human life is allowed to keep going.

To me it feels like a form of biological terrorism, especially as we start getting sick & struggle to work or care for ourselves. I don't know how the government looks the other way, when people start actively being disabled by this stuff. At some point they simply can't afford to enable their business practices & look the other way.

It's sad to me when evil gets to thrive.

Great post once again. This company has done so much damage to the livelihood of farmers and people who work hard in the agriculture business. They have destroyed crops and seeds. 😡

True criminal entities. The harmful effects of these practices are detrimental to life

About 90% of all seeds are modified or poisoned by Monsanto now. Hard to even get quality seeds.

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Upvoted and also resteemed :)

Monsanto is EVIL! VERY EVIL! It is all about money. If you think otherwise guess again. They do not care if folks become sick. They want to solely control the food production. They do not want you to be able to organically grow food. They want to purposely destroy God's perfect seed to make it easier and more financially lucrative at the expense of the consumer. And if the consumer gets ill or dies, well that is more money for the insurance companies for whom they are friends. Also it helps the global elites as they want population manipulation and control. So the elites won't mine if a few thousand die. For that small cost the population is easier to control. Yes Monsanto is EVIL! Ad your reporting in this post to that and it is monumental. Great reporting my friend. We need to wake the sheeple from their Monsanto drug induced slumber before they are slaughtered by the poison.

Hi friend, this type of problems are surrounded everywhere. In India we do not find anything without chemical, organic foods are just like a dream here. It is the mentality of the people, to earn money, currption everywhere.

Monsanto is definitely one of the more evil companies I have heard of in a while. But so is most pharmaceutical companies... and the FDA/EPA which seems to be staffed and run by people that work for companies like Monsanto and big pharma as well. So collusion is likely.

I am not sure the general public at large will notice if anything is brought to light, or changes. Folks in the USA are really clueless as to what the powers at be are doing to them.

Monsanto is a very sad word.

It's really hard now to say that you're eating healthy!! :(

Wonderful post @doitvoluntarily ....upvoted...Blessings

great article

What does "$300 million pounds of glyphosate is applied across the US to American farms every year" mean?

Thank you for sharing this with me. I hate Monsanto's lies. Doesn't surprise me, my family is in the biz of transporting,handling and disposal of used harzardest waste and it is a joke. I will tell you most things unless flammable are buried. Nasty stuff, old stuff, no one knows wtf this is stuff. In los Angeles all junkyards have to be on old land fills no matter what. Crazy right, so this company that never seems to make it in the court room, posions us and controlls all of our seed reserves, and this is okay. Now they were bought out. Theres gotta be more to Bayer, are you looking into this? If you are please post and Thank you again for the information. Steem On.

Good good

Definately not my favorite company. It does not surprise me to read that the EPA has been turning their backs on the affects of round up and no doubt other products. After all money is more important than human health. Thanks for your post. 🐓🐓

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have you ever heard about AMA ;)
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and ;) many people can ask you about what they need to know about your field :)
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