I'm wantan' some wonton's, and if I could, I'd wanna TON ofom'. Sorry, couldn't help myself, I still need to eat Lunchfast, and am a bit hungry at about this speck of time. But those wontons would make anyone hungry at any time of the day. Yowza.
I can see why hubb's and everyone else in a 3500 mile radius might eat a whole pile of these in one sitting. They look and SOUND so good.
I like that there is no real recipe for success too. THAT'S the way to cook. Just throw it in and see what happens. All good, on so many levels.
I loved your fitted-sheet folding reference. So very true. I usually give up, spin them on my arm and make a ball and then stack 'n stuff them in the closet. Anyone ever figures out a Blue Sheldon FoldemFlat Sheet Folder thing for those crazy sheets, they'll be richer than rich and on one of those beaches I'm always going on and on about on here.
Well 'bK, hope your day is a fun one, and not TOO run-aroundish, and you make some more good food for me to victual-ly vacuum vicariously about. (If you have ANY idea what that means, pass it along on back to me here...)
Cheerio(s) H.S.