In December, last year, my wife and I decided to see how our bodies would react to an all plant base diet. We had already stopped consuming meat with the exception of fish so all we had to do was cut out the dairy. That’s a difficult task! Milk and/or eggs have managed to be inserted into just about everything we consume since the agricultural revolution of the 19th century.
Consequently, we’ve been paying more attention to the labeled ingredients on the food items we consume. I’m that guy in the market, turning everything around, reading the back of the packages pretending I can pronounce those words. I often get stumped reading the ingredients which means one thing - I’m oblivious to their existence. Then I grabbed a box of Apple Jacks. I turned the box around to verify wether or not they’re attempting to sneak dairy products passed me and that was the first time I noticed it: Contains BHA. I know, I know... I’m the last person to pull up a chair at this discovery table but at least I finally made it - Thanks for saving me a seat! So what is it?
Question: What is BHA/BHT?
Answer: The chemical used to preserve both your bowl of cereal and the fuel in the gas tank of your automobile:
”Breakfast Of Champions”
Kellogg’s is the biggest supporter of the preservative where nearly all of their boxed/bagged cereal contains BHA, BHT or both. Right behind them are Post and General Mills - All three of the food giants currently support and are actively using the petroleum based preservative.
Cereals that contain BHA, BHT or both:
Frosted Flakes, Cheerios, Fruit Loops, Apple Jacks, Wheaties, Shredded Wheat, Rice Krispies, Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Raisin Bran are some of the more popular brand-name cereals but do your due diligence. These preservatives have found a home in many shelved items sold at the grocery market and are predominately found in cereal. Just look for the key word “freshness” (freshness?) on the ‘warning’ label:
That was the first time I noticed the ingredient, I didn’t know what it was. I decided it’s time to find out - This is what I discovered:
BHA and BHT are preservatives commonly referred to in the food industry as:
BHA: Bad, Horrible, Awful.
BHT: Bad, Horrible, Terrible.
Official, scientific terminology, as recorded by the Food and Drug Administration, reads like this:
BHA - Butylated Hydroxyanisole.
BHT - Butylated Hydroxytoluene.
Definition: To introduce one or more groups to a “butyl” compound.
Butyl: General chemical formula derived from either of the two isomers of butane.
Ok! Butane, I recognize that word, it’s a flammable liquid. Isomers are a scientific term relating to atoms so the ‘B’ in BHT and BHA means, in the simplest of explanations: Scientifically created lighter fluid - Got it!
Definition: Containing the “hydroxyl group.”
Hydroxyl Group: Inorganic compound such as Sodium Hydroxide or organic compounds such as ethyl alcohol.
Sodium Hydroxide: Water-soluble solid that upon solution in water generates heat.
Ok! Hydroxy is an alcohol that keeps things warm/hot - Got it!
Colorless, water-insoluble liquid that has a pleasant, aromatic flavor.
It disguises the odor of the chemicals - Got it!
Colorless, water-insoluble, flammable liquid having a benezenlike odor.
Benzene: Flammable liquid with a sweet odor. Obtained mainly from petroleum, most commonly found in TNT. (Dynamite)
Ok! The chemical that disguises the odor of gasoline and causes firecrackers to ignite the way they do - Got it!
Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA): Petroleum based, scientifically created lighter fluid that uses alcohol as a warming agent with an aromatic flavor used to disguise the odors of active chemicals.
Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT): Petroleum based, scientifically created lighter fluid that uses alcohol as a warming agent, is the explosive chemical in dynamite and disguises the odor of fuels/oils with a “sweet flavor:”
source - iPhone 8 plus
BHA: Used as a preservative in food, cosmetics, feed, rubbers, pharmaceuticals and petroleum.
BHT: Derivative of phenol, commonly used to prevent oxidation in fuels/oils.
Common sense teaches us not to consume anything that comes out of a gas pump, gas can, oil container, drain pan or something else who’s sole purpose is to facilitate petroleum. We do, however, come in contact and in most situations, consume the petroleum based preservative by eating cereal or crackers, applying make-up, wearing rubber gloves, taking medication or feeding the animals.
Why? Why is BHA and BHT in our beer, chewing gum, processed meat, crackers, animal feed, butter, baked goods, lotion, shower gel, Children’s Advil, cosmetics, dehydrated potatoes, cereals and pharmaceuticals to name a few?
Money - Profit. BHA and BHT are preservatives that extend the shelf life of the product they’re introduced to at a much higher profit rate for corporations than a natural preservative that will serve the same function such as Vitamin E. If there was less labor involved in the production required to extract Vitamin E, corporations would use the natural source to preserve the shelf life of their product instead of harmful chemical compounds.
Side effects? Are there any known side effects of BHA and BHT?
I found this interesting study conducted over 30 years ago. It’s been discovered that the lab mice that were injected with the preservatives had offspring that were all (100%) born with altered brain chemistries. According to researchers involved with the experiment: “The affected mice weighed less, slept less and fought more than normal.” Coincidentally, in the same 30 year span, the number of children requiring treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has doubled.
Other toxic effects the two chemicals are known to have on humans:
Loss of consciousness, kidney disease, liver disease, respiratory depression, behavior/central nervous system deficiency, gastritis, hypermotility, reduces bloods ability to clot, asthma, dermatitis, migraine headaches and the list of harmful toxic effects these chemicals are known to have on humans continues.
When asked if they would consider replacing the harmful preservatives with a safe, natural one, Kellogg’s responded by saying this:
In the short time I’ve spent researching BHT and BHA I quickly learned to be on the look out for both of them. I’m not concerned with the chemical when it’s being used to preserve gasoline, jet fuels, transformer oil or being used as embalming fluid. Embalming fluid - Fun fact: BHT is injected into dead people (embalming fluid) to replace blood and preserve the dead body. That doesn’t concern me either. But I am concerned with all of the side effects related to ingesting the stuff - I’ll pass! And this post covered ingestion. Contact - That’s another one! There’s an entirely separate list of hazardous concerns and side effects should you come in contact with BHA or BHT but that’s a whole other story. One thing at a time! Don’t eat the stuff - Noted!
Click here if you missed Monday’s post
Articulate, artful, Art aimed attention and accurately annhilated acquired appointment.
Great job on this one, sharing the crap out of it right now.
P.S. - My wife literally poured herself a bowl immediately after I read this aloud.. SMH.. some people, bro.. lol
I sure am glad you like it my friend, I was equally impressed with your post this morning. It’s nice to see you pay more attention to Steemit!
You gotta get her attention first dude:
“Dr. Phil said....” or “Housewives...” and then read the article to her. 👍🏿
Thanks a lot @theruggle
That's freaking nuts ! And it's everywhere !!!Thanks for the research, i wonder what can be done about it, and I wonder if our overlords don't want us lacking sleep and fighting each other like those mice, after all their moto is divide and conquer
My pleasure, I’m glad I could help!
Overlords.. Makes perfect sense doesn’t it? I’m willing to bet my cold wallet those people don’t eat, nor allow their kin to consume it.
I can seem em all in the lab, stirring their poisonous concoctions like “let’s see what this does!”
Thanks Ed!
Totally, they only eat the cleanest freshest fruits and veggies guaranteed!!!
Ya the label might say organic or non gmo but who decided that?? The FDA?? Oh ya the FDA that has many employees from Monsanto in high positions there. I trust them 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
Good Job on all of your research. It’s amazing knowing alll of the stuff we used to eat and had no idea… the only safe bet would be to grow our own food. Anything that has a commercial probably isn’t real food. Thanks for putting this together, it was captivating to read.
Ya good call on the commercial, if they’re willing to spend that much advertising the product, odds are it’s not in our best interest to consume it.
Impressing you makes me happy, I’m glad I’ve been able to continue.
Thank you gorgeous!
Very interesting and enlightening article, thank for sharing.
My pleasure. I’m glad you like it @kryptoe, thanks a lot for stopping by, I appreciate it!
On the verge of satisfying physiological needs, we unknowingly and innocently harm ourselves. This is tragic, but I hope we look out for these and the manufacturers get to find alternatives for sustaining the freshness of edible products. Thanks for the awareness @dandays, preciate it.
My pleasure! I’m glad you found the information useful. Admittedly, I didn’t know what the stuff was a couple of months ago. Once I discovered what it is, I didn’t think Steemit would mind me posting about it.
Thanks a lot for stopping by @awesomeabasiono
it's so great that you do it together. I also love such experiments with food, but I go this way myself and not always successfully ... It's difficult without support. And some people generally look at me strangely when I say that I read ingredients... It is very very valuable that you work together in this project! Upvoted.
Well hello miss @anamarena, thanks a lot for stopping by! I don’t think either of us would stand a chance changing our eating habits so drastically without the support of eachother, you’re right!
Thanks a lot for the support, I really appreciate it. Keep reading them, I won’t look at you weird, I’ll be the dude over your shoulder trying to sound them out with you...
All my old favorite things to eat are absolutely saturated with all kinds of, what we call at the Splatts house, NASTY
Chemicals here
Chemicals there
Chemicals for everyone!!!
You nailed it dude, exactly. I must just be a naive, privileged guy or ‘something’ because I’m just now starting to really pay attention. Better late than never!
Thank you @brothersplatts!
Edit: this is the one I was referring to yesterday when I asked you about #FFF. I would’ve added the tag but I get it... “F” as in Friday.
This is interesting let me chat with @weirdheadaches because yes it is about food and what kind of nasty they sneak into the stuff on shelves, but we are leaning more towards the actual food itself, you know something you would throw across the room at someone. Lol. Looks like @foodfightfriday snuck in and gave you a vote anyway 😉
Keep me posted. I snapped progress pictures of the street tacos last night, I understand the concept. To me, anything ‘warning’ about food is fair game but that’s just me. Thanks again for all of your support!
Lmao ;]
"BHT for freshness", if it was a joke, it could be funny. But it's frightening to be honest. Even if there is ADI measure for the chemical, it's something I'd rather not have on my plate... I had to go to check my cereal packages right after I read this to be sure that mine were BHT free (thank goodness they are). It's just crazy what is put into our foods without us even knowing about it. I only wonder where is the food industry going...?
However, such a great, eye-opening post, good job @dandays!
Hey @jasmink, good morning, happy Labor Day, it’s a great day to be alive ain’t it??
BHT. Oh man! I had to break it down to a language I was more familiar with and when it sounded like ‘scientifically created lighter fluid’ the wOrd “freshness” just sounded criminal.
Cereals, crackers and all of those packaged processed things are most common for BHT. You and my wife follow eachother though so I’m fairly certain those packaged processed things they’ve talked humans into consuming don’t interest you.
Thanks a lot for stopping by @jasmink, I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know what you think. I gotta be real with you.. when I dig into these things, I’m hoping just to find a ‘yay’ or ‘nay’ I never intend to teach myself they’re literally murdering us. (Ima go check caramel color now)