this aceh noodle is served with fruit that gives off a pungent smell, although it smells but this fruit is rich in health benefits especially for cancer patients. so to get the benefits we can process it as you wish I mix with the typical aceh noodles.
sumber: google
Archidendron pauciflorum which has been shelled up to be boiled until cooked, in elongated slices
we start cooking Heat the cooking oil
saute onion and garlic
add the tomatoes to the onion and garlic stir-fry
input noodle aceh noodle saute until fragrant
wait until it dries while in a stir
input Archidendron pauciflorum and add water, wait until it boils and the herbs absorb
insert yellow noodle typical aceh, stir until the spices absorb in the noodle add salt and flavor, ready noodles served according to taste
wow perpaduan mie Aceh dengan Jengkol, enak kayaknya