Sorry, @countrygirl, you can lead an old horse to water but you can't make him drink...
I'm gonna continue to be one of those guys that scrapes off the mold and eats the good parts. :O
Sorry, @countrygirl, you can lead an old horse to water but you can't make him drink...
I'm gonna continue to be one of those guys that scrapes off the mold and eats the good parts. :O
I'm sure you have your reasons....but no thanks. I can taste mold on bread that can't be seen until I search for that one slice that has green stuff on it. Not all mold is good for us, I don't think anyhow.
OK, I'll probably throw away the yogurt, @countrygirl...
But @johnjgeddes, I definitely will keep cutting the mold off the cheese and eating the rest... :D
and bread....I was raised on rye with no preservatives...I pulled off moldy crusts for decades...figured it was like free penicillin LOL
I think it's good for you on bread. Reminds me of a story my father told me. I'll have to write that one up some day... ;)
He will because he's stubborn too!!!! It's NOT penicillin guys!
you gotta be joking, @creatr - you might get away scraping mold off hard cheese, but mold in yogurt pervades the entire product - A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. LOL!!
You had to take out the sword, didn't you? ;) LOL!
He probably sharpened it this morning!
only in love - I don't want you to be sick :)