Braised pork in soy sauce, most people do wrong【Chinese food】(红烧肉的做法)

in #food5 years ago

Braise in soy sauce meat with its sweet and soft palate and get most people like it, to believe that each will have this dish on the table, and each have different taste, no uniform standard, but a good braise in soy sauce meat is to be able to let you enjoy, fat but not greasy melt in your mouth, and lean not entrance wood residue, must have no one don't like such a braise in soy sauce meat.【红烧肉以其香甜松软的口感而得到大多数人的喜欢,相信是每家的餐桌上都会有这样一道菜,而且每家的味道也不尽相同,虽没有统一标准,但一份好的红烧肉是能够让大家喜欢,肥而不腻入口即化,瘦肉不柴入口化渣,这样的红烧肉想必不会有人不喜欢。】

Today, this dish of braised pork in brown sauce is very simple to operate, as long as the patience and patience, will be able to make delicious braised pork in brown sauce.【今天 做的这道红烧肉操作起来很简单,只要耐的住性子,一定能做出好吃的红烧肉。】

The materials【用料】

Pork with skin【帶皮豬肉】500g
thick soy sauce【老抽】15g
Rock sugar 【冰糖】7、8
Ginger slice【 薑片】7、8


1.Clean the pork and cut it into chunks. It's better to cut it big and enjoy it. (pork had better choose to take skin pork belly, fat thin alternate with, eat up more satisfied, I did not buy pork belly, so with the hind leg meat, taste does not affect ha【將猪肉清洗乾淨,切成塊狀,最好切大一些,吃起來比較過癮。(猪肉最好選用帶皮五花肉,肥瘦相間,吃起來比較過癮,我沒有買到五花肉,所以用的後腿肉,味道不影響哈】

2.Cut scallions, ginger slices, star anise rinse clean set aside【葱切段,薑切片,八角沖洗乾淨備用】

3.Add cold water to the pot, add the pork, bring to the boil and remove to froth【鍋內加凉水,將猪肉加入,煮開去浮沫,將肉撈出備用】

4.Add the ginger slices of star anise onion to the wok and stir-fry until fragrant【另起油鍋,將八角葱段薑片加入炒香】

5.Add pork and stir【將猪肉加入翻炒】

6.Add the pork stir-fry until the oil, brown surface【將猪肉加入煸炒至出油,表面焦黃】

7.Stir in rock sugar and dark soy sauce (no soy sauce in brown sauce), stir well【調入冰糖醬油(沒有可以用紅燒醬油),翻炒均勻】

8.Add boiling water to the pan, it must be boiling water, no pork at all, because it's been simmering for a long time, add more, add rock sugar【向鍋內加入開水,一定是開水,完全沒過猪肉,因為燉得時間比較久,要多加一些,將冰糖加入】

9.Simmer over medium heat for 20 minutes, turn to low heat and simmer for 50 minutes【中火先燉20分鐘,轉小火燉50分鐘,根據鹹度酌量添加鹽拌勻即可】

10.With a bowl of hot rice, add some soup, not too delicious【搭配一碗熱騰騰的米飯,加點湯汁,不要太好吃呀】

7.It's over. Take a look at the final product and give it a thumbs up if you like【結束了,看一下最後的成品,喜歡的點個讚吧】。


That pork looks so good. I will have to try this recipe sometime! Thank you for sharing it.