
The link and source are there, so this automated cheetah robot comment is not applicable, but thanks for the upvote!

It's a bit odd when it comes to recipes. Nice to have some leeway, given you could be educating people about a food you love. If you'd included the direct link as source instead of just the generic one to it might have helped defeat the cheetah. Maybe. Not entirely sure how it's code works.

I've given you an upvote though, as this looks tasty

Oh I use the internet for recipes all the time.

I don't claim to own anything, just wish to share it out there, foods that I have tried, recipes that I have used or played around with and so on.

I will try the exact link next time, but I don't think it will make any difference as it is a robot not a human being.

But as long as I put links and not photos, as long as I put the source I am playing by the rules that have been defined here in the Steemit community.

Food is fantastic, it makes people think positively and proactively, just like the way you are giving me constructive advice rather than attacking me.

So I really appreciate your advice and I shall do that next time, just to see what happens.
