Most people encounter nettles when they're weeding their gardens, and they suffer from terrible stings as their unsuspecting hands (and bare legs) encounter the plant.
That kind of makes everyone think of nettles as evil plants that must be got rid of at all costs.
Nettle leaves however are edible, and have long been used as tonics because they have a high amount of Vitamin C in them.
First what NOT to do. Don't eat nettles raw as though they are a salad. Those famous stings will hurt your lips and mouth.
And when picking and washing the nettles wear rubber gloves to protect your hands.
Instead nettles must be COOKED. The heat of cooking destroys the sting, and after that you can happily eat away.
What sort of dishes can you make with nettles? As the taste resembles spinach, you can basically substitute nettles for spinach in any soup, pie or other dish requiring greens.
Traditionally nettles have been used as a treatment for allergic reactions - maladys like eczema, rashes, and other allegies. That's because it seems to reduce inflamation in our bodies.
Yes, the nettle is one evil plant, haha.
It is good to boil tea from the nettle, it can be added to spinach and cooked together, you can boil the soup and add the nettle leaf. Many people think that if you're baking, it gets it when it touches you so it will be when you cook it or otherwise save it.
The nettles are usually cooked, I have not heard or seen any fine cuts as oregano and put it in a dish in a dry form, I know only recipes in which the nettle is cooked ...
Kopriva has a lot of iron and other minerals and vitamins, among other things there is already mentioned vitamin C, but nettle is not eaten unprocessed, so we have to lean a leaf nettle but this destroys a significant part of vitamin C ...
Da, kopriva je jedna opaka biljka, hahaha.
Od koprive je dobro skuvati čaj, može se dodati u spanać i kuvati zajedno, možete čorbu skuvati i dodati koprivin list. Mnogi misle ako pecka, svrbi kada vas dodirne da će tako biti i kada je skuvamo ili na neki drugi način spremimo.
Kopriva se obično kuva, nisam čuo ni video da je neko sitno secka kao origano i da je stavlja u jelo u suvom obliku, ja znam samo recepte u kojima se kopriva kuva...
Kopriva ima puno gvožđa i još drugih minerala i vitamina, između ostalog ima i već pomenutog vitamina C ali kopriva se ne jede ne obrađena, zbog toga moramo list koprive malo prokuvati ali time se uništava značajni deo vitamina C...