大学时期的作品/Product That I Made When I Studying College

in #food7 years ago



hello all fellow steemians. Hope everyone has a nice weekend. Unknowingly time flies quickly, blink of an eye from the university graduate for 7 years.i m in the social university for 7 years. Just now, when I was idle to turn on my facebook to see back my old photo , inadvertently saw my previous works. I used to read the cake, and so on Oh will put  my own work to share with you guy. Ha ha ........


Then I'll start the post photo. Hope everyone likes it.If interesting in that can leave a comment to comunicate.Im like to interacting with more people.Tq


This is the first work in my life. So do not look good Haha 


 This is one of the many works in which one of my favorite is also very satisfied. This is very good to eat ah. The The Ha ha ha 

这个love shape巧克力蛋糕的也很好吃。花了半天时间才完成一粒。。。。哈哈哈...以上这些都是我以前做过的作品。大家看了觉得怎样??给点意见。。。。来来。。。。

 This love shape  chocolate cake is also very good to eat. Spent half a day to completed. The The The Ha ha ha .....All of these are the works I have done before .How do you guy feel..........leave some comment if u like or dont like ......tq :)


Good post, waa it's make me hungry.
Upvoted @bongkia, thank you for you trust on my last post, good continuation!

Hahaha......... Welcome fren ahhaha........ Come find me i will let u try it hahaha