Materials And Spices Required
Main ingredients
1/2 kg - chicken eggs
2 pieces - large green chili cut into pieces
4 pieces - big red chili cut into pieces
1 fruit - onion roughly chopped
1 piece - onion sliced roughly
1 piece - tomatoes cut into pieces
2 cm - ginger smudged
5 tablespoons - tomato sauce
5 tablespoons - chili sauce
4 tablespoons - sweet soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon - pepper powder
1/4 teaspoon - powdered broth
1 tablespoon - sugar
1 tablespoon - brown sugar that has been shriveled
1/2 tablespoon - salt
2 eyes - Javanese acid is dissolved with 5 tablespoons of water
1 tablespoon - cornstarch is diluted with 3 tablespoons of water
300 ml - water
Oil - enough to fry and saute
1 fruit - lemon watered when serving to be fresher
Ground spices :
2 cloves of garlic
6 grains - onion
8 pieces - red pepper
How to Make Eggs Spicy Sweet Spicy Eggs
Heat oil in a skillet, ceplokkan one by one egg and fry until cooked, lift and drain then set aside.
Heat some more oil in a skillet, stir-fry the spices smooth and stir until fragrant. Add onions, tomatoes, ginger, onions, large green chili and large red pepper.
Pour water, add tomato sauce, chilli sauce, pepper powder, powdered broth, parsir sugar, brown sugar, sweet soy sauce and a solution of tamarind, stir until all seasoning is well blended.
Finally enter the egg fried earlier, then pour maize solution. Stir gently and cook briefly to boil and the sauce thickens and matures, remove and ready to be served with lemon juice.
Hmmm I'm hungry now