If you are not a medical personnel , what comes to your mind first when you hear about food poisoning is concoction put inside food by enemy to kill someone.
Here, the medical perspective of what we are talking about is bacterial food poisoning that result from the consumption of contaminated food. Such bacteria that can cause food poisoning includes : salmonella, staphylococcus, clostriduim , shigella .Athough most of these organisms are been killed by boiling however,contamination is mostly post cooking and during eating.
Food poisoning is common in food such as meat products, cream , eggs, coconut, pork, vegetables, pickles.
How to spot whether food has been contaminated by these organism is that the infected food usually show changes in taste , smell, color .Although , most of the time , these indications do not occur and this is where proper prevention is needed.So it is necessary to handle those class of food that is easily contaminated with microorganism with extreme care.
PREVENTION: proper washing and boiling, during processing of food. Store your food in temperature that discourage the growth of microorganism such as 4-8 degree celsius.
Always remember that HEALTH IS WEALTH.
Thanks and live a healthy life.
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