Delicious chicken fried noodles

in #food7 years ago (edited)


Mie goreng one of my favorite foods in Aceh. Fried noodles are widely provided at coffee shop stalls. Almost all coffee shops in Aceh provide fried noodles. Not only coffee shops, carts on the street there are also selling fried noodles, in villages or even in urban areas. Mie goreng is not a food of a particular person but is a culinary that covers all circles.

Surely you all who live in Aceh ever eat fried noodles right? Well, this one is not the usual fried noodle you know, but chicken fried noodles. This chicken fried noodle has a distinctive scent and flavor. How to cook it is also the same as cooking the usual fried noodles, the difference moe goreng is just added chicken meat mixed into the noodle when simasak. Fragrant chicken and taste more tasty.
Mie goreng can be mixed with any friends, can demgan shrimp, squid, mussels, mushrooms, fish, eggs and chicken. Yesterday, I did want to try chicken noodles again. In this place I eat this chicken noodle price is cheap lo, only Rp 13.000 one serving plus tea bottle Rp 5000 and the total Rp 18.000. Well that's a friend, just with a capital of 18 thousand rupiah, you can enjoy a special meal menu.
For those of you who want to try to come just come to East Batuphat Tax to Mie Abua wagon.

Lezatnya Mie Goreng Ayam

Mie goreng salah satu makanan favorit di Aceh. Mie goreng banyak disediakan di warung warung kopi. Hampir semua warung kopi di aceh menyediakan Mie goreng. Tak hanya warung kopi, gerobak di pinggir jalan pun ada yang menjual mie goreng, di kampung atau bahkan di perkotaan. Mie goreng bukanlah makanan orang orang tertentu tetapi merupakan kuliner yang mencakup semua kalangan.

Pasti kamu semua yang tinggal di Aceh pernah makan mie goreng kan?Nah, yang satu ini bukanlah mie goreng biasa lho,,tapi mie goreng ayam. Mie goreng ayam ini punya wangi dan rasa yang khas. Cara memasaknya juga sama dengan memasak mie goreng biasa, bedanya moe goreng ini cuma ditambahkan daging ayam yamg dicampur ke dalam mie saat simasak. Wangi ayamnya dan rasa gurihnya lebih terasa.

Mie goreng bisa dicampur dengan apa saja teman teman, bisa demgan udang, cumi, kerang, jamur, ikan, telur dan ayam. Kemarin, saya memang lagi pengen mencoba mie ayam. Di tempat saya makan ini harga mie ayam ini murah lo, cuma Rp 13.000 satu porsi ditambah teh botol Rp 5000 dan totalnya Rp 18.000. Nah itu dia teman, cuma dengan modal 18 ribu rupiah, kalian bisa menikmati menu makanan istimewa.
Buat kalian yang ingin mencoba langsung datang aja ke Pajak Batuphat Timur ke gerobak Mie Abua.

Terima kasih