There is really nothing like getting fresh food from the market. The food tastes so much better, and I am pretty sure it better than the one we buy at huge supermarkets. Their food is questionable at best. I remember my dad bought some apples from the supermarket and I left one on the side and let it sit for a month. It did not change color or get bad at all. Plus no bugs ate it. I mean if the bugs don't want it then should we? lol
Having fresh and naturally grown food around is key to healthy and happy living. :)
I agree! It's really hard to find food grown without pesticides. I hate to think of all the unnatural things that have built up in my body over the years. At least when I get to see where it comes from, how it's grown, and where my money is going I actually feel like part of the process! I think this makes me less likely to waste the food. Plus I get inspired to cook yummy healthy things :)
Yes, it is very hard. The best way, of course, is to grow your own and know exactly what you put on them. If not I am pretty sure there are people who are like minded as you. But they grow their own food and sell.
You are part of the process. Can you imagine if 1 by 1 the number of those people come a 100 or 1000 or later more? That is a big change and supermarkets will have to follow the trends of their consumers. Soon the organic stores would start popping out everywhere. Like we actually do see in the world now. People are waking up 1 by 1. Waking up to the fact we have not been eating "food" for who knows how many years.
Following you now so hopefully I will get to see some of your "yummy healthy things". hehe :)
Have an amazing day. :)