@arfah 🍲 [Everyday Menu : Chicken Soto] - Bilingual

in #food7 years ago (edited)


Hi Steemian.
How are you? Hopefully always in good condition well.

I want to share the menu everyday .. That is my family's chicken soto ..
This is the recipe for all.

Chicken Soto



  • 300 gr Chicken
  • Mie So u
  • Col, iris
  • Bean sprouts
  • Salt and sugar to taste
  • Pepper powder
  • 1 stalk lemongrass, crushed
  • Lime leaves
  • Bay leaf
  • 2 cm galangal, crushing
  • Leaves onion, sliced
  • Celery, sliced
  • 1 Tomato fruit, cut into pieces
  • 2 eggs, Boil until cooked and peel the skin

Ground spices:

  • 1/2 tsp coriander
  • 5 pieces of red onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 3 pecan fruit
  • 2 cm ginger
  • 2 cm turmeric

For Fried Chicken:

  1. Boil chicken with 2 liters of water.
  2. Then season the chicken with garlic, pepper, and salt.
  3. Fried chicken until cooked. Lift and set aside.

How to cook :

  1. Soak noodles so un, cabbage, and bean sprouts with hot water, then drain.
  2. Heat a frying pan of cooking oil, stir-fry the fragrant right until fragrant. Then add 1/2 tsp pepper powder, sugar, salt, lemongrass, lime leaves, bay leaf, and galangal.
  3. To clear, pour the broth of chicken stew. Then strain.
  4. Customize your taste.



Hai Steemian.
Apa kabar? Mudah-mudahan selalu dalam keadaan baik yah.

Aku ingin berbagi menu sehari-hari.. Yaitu soto ayam ala keluarga saya..
Ini resepnya untuk klaian semua.

Soto Ayam Bening



  • 300 gr Ayam
  • Mie So u
  • Kol, iris-iris
  • Tauge
  • Garam dan gula secukupnya
  • Merica bubuk
  • 1 batang serai, memarkan
  • Daun jeruk
  • Daun salam
  • 2 cm lengkuas, memarkan
  • Daun bawang, iris-iris
  • Seledri, iris-iris
  • 1 Buah Tomat, potong-potong
  • 2 Butir telur, Rebus hingga matang lalu kupas kulitnya

Bumbu Halus:

  • 1/2 sdt ketumbar
  • 5 buah bawang merah
  • 3 siung bawang putih
  • 3 buah kemiri
  • 2 cm jahe
  • 2 cm kunyit

Untuk Ayam Goreng :

  1. Rebus ayam dengan 2 liter air.
  2. Kemudian bumbui ayam dengan bawang putih, merica, dan garam.
  3. Goreng ayam hingga matang. Angkat dan sisihkan.

Cara Memasak :

  1. Rendam mie so un, kol, dan tauge dengan air panas, kemudian tiriskan.
  2. Panaskan wajan berisi minyak goreng, tumis bumbu hakus hingga harum. Kemudian tambahkan 1/2 sdt merica bubuk, gula, garam, serai, daun jeruk, daun salam, dan lengkuas.
  3. Supaya bening, tuang kaldu hasil rebusan ayam. Lalu saring.
  4. Tata sesuai selera.
