in #food8 years ago

  WISDOM & KNOWLEDGE If you are lucky enough you can be sure to obtain both in your lifetime, the one out of choice and the other by experience. 

Most of us gather Knowledge first. It starts the day we are born. Through our parents who teach us what is wrong, what is right, how to behave and how not to. We read our Bibles and learn from God the rules of life. We go to school attend and  learn a vast variety of subjects to prepare us for adult world. After school some of us study at Universities, Colleges and also do different courses. Wherever we start working, somebody is teaching us how to do the job properly. No matter where we are in the world or what we do; all of us gather Knowledge. 

Wisdom on the other hand is mostly obtained through difficult circumstances. You also get wiser by watching others but most of it is obtained by experiencing situations in your life. Training also starts when you are very small. Remember the child who grabbed your toys from you. You got wise and hid them whenever he was visiting. Remember the bullies in school? You became wise enough to stand your ground or to walk away and ignore them. We gain Wisdom via our mistakes. Thought it could be adventurous to bunk school for a day? Oh word, did you pay for doing that. Smoking at the back of the school wall? After Dad finished you off you got wise not to repeat it. Throughout our journey in life we do things and experience the consequences to make us wise. Mostly through the choices we make; some incidents are seriously painful while others enlighten the heart and others bring us great joy. All those give us Wisdom. No book can teach you Wisdom, you only learn by practical experience. 

Interesting Fact – We often neglect or ignore the Wisdom and Knowledge that we have obtained.   I have heard and met a lot of people who studied for this or that but ended up working in a totally different area. The Doctor who became a farmer, the Attorney who opened up a bookshop and the Mechanic who is now a landscaper. The knowledge they obtained was not what their hearts desired or their passions. Nothing wrong with that, by doing both they  have learned a lot. Knowledge nobody can take away. Wisdom ignored is another heart breaking issue. So many times we hear about people making the same mistakes all over again, ignoring the Wisdom they have. Mostly because we believe that the next time we do something it will work out or it will be better. Everything wrong with that; we must learn to let the past rest and be wise and move on. 

Wisdom or Knowledge – which is the most important? They are equally important because one day we will all stand in front of God and Thank Him for giving us both. 

GREEN BEANS - Add a little bit of Baking Soda when cooking Green Beans. It intensifies the green colour, but remembers that it destroys some of the nutrients. 

TIES - Place dirty Ties in a glass jar. Fill up with Benzene. Close jar and shake. Remove ties and press out excess liquid. Hang to dry. 

HERBS - Thyme – Fillings, Barbeque Meat, Soups, Stews, Sauces and Butter dishes 

BABY MEATBALLS –                     

 4 spoons Cake Flour  500g Mince   Salt & Pepper  25ml Cooking Oil  1 chopped Onion   1 spoon Brown Sugar  2 cubes Beef stock dissolved  In 600ml Boiling Water Salt 1 ml Nutmeg 4 Potatoes in cubes 5ml Lemon Pepper Fresh chopped Parsley 

Flavour Mince with Salt & Pepper. Roll into nut size balls. Roll in Cake flour. Heat Oil in frying pan and brown balls until brown. Remove balls and fry Onion, Sugar and Carrots until soft. Add Stock and Potatoes. Cook until Potatoes are nearly soft. Add all other ingredients and balls. Simmer for 20min more. Dissolve 1 spoon Cake flour in a ¼ cup cold Water and add. Stir until sauce has thickened. Sprinkle with Parsley. 

Be Wise and use your Knowledge. Remember – ANYBODY CAN COOK!