in #food8 years ago

  PRESENTS FROM GOD: Our Children are presents from God. They are the only souls that He sends to us. We choose the people we love, your spouse, friends etc, but not our Children. Gifts must be appreciated and taken care of. Whoever gives you something did the effort to buy or make it. That person chose it with you in mind, therefore it must be cherished. So much more our children. 

We live in a life’s circle with certain expectations and understandings. We believe that our parents will die before us. Therefore it only feels natural for our children to follow after us. There is no guarantee. 

Friends of mine discovered it to their horror. Three years ago their son, in his early twenties died in a car accident. Of course they were more than devastated. The fact that he went before them left them with a lot of unanswered questions and a feeling of guilt. Never did they think it could happen, because we do not expect it to. 

My son Louis is the oldest. A pleasure from the day he was born. As a baby he had a few ear infections. Due to that his tonsils were removed at the age of four. What an experience! Not being use to Doctors he thought it was the end of the world. Today he is a healthy, happily married man. 

Bennie was born two years after Louis. He was healthy until he reached nine months. He then got severe Epilepsy. He had an average of 18 grandmal seizures in ever 24hour period. No doctor or specialist could help. No medicine stopped it. They predicted that he won’t reach the age of 11. Bennie is now 28 and only gets night Epilepsy, about every third night.  

The story? Bennie showed me that we must appreciate and fully love our children to the fullest every day. We must not take anything for granted. We can lose them any second. I pray to God and thank him for my sons twice a day. They are the biggest gifts I will ever receive while I am on earth. 

The End? Those who do not appreciate their children, you are in danger! As a parent you will stand in front of God one day.  

The question?  What did you do and how did you take care of the souls I have given to you????? 

JELLY – Add a little bit of Baking Soda or Lemon juice to Jelly, it will help to set it faster 


1.4kg Cake flour 30ml Cream of Tarter 15ml Salt 800g Sugar 500g Butter 500ml Maas 20ml Baking Soda 2 Eggs 

Preheat oven to 200. Spread a few baking plates. Mix Cake flour, Cream of Tartar, Salt and Sugar. Rub Butter in until crumbly. Mix 50ml Maas with Baking Soda. Add. Mix rest of Maas with Eggs. Put aside 50 ml of mixture, add rest and mix until it forms dough. Divide into 16 pieces. Form sausages and flatten a bit. Cut each into 4 pieces. Space apart on baking plates. Spread rest of Maas mixture over. Bake for 30min. Break apart and dry in cool oven. 

Cherish your gifts and remember – ANYBODY CAN COOK!