Easy way to grow fresh greens and other vegetables in the winter. Vertical indoor growing.

in #food7 years ago

I love to garden, and in the winter it always made me sad I could not eat any fresh produce that I grew myself. So I developed a vertical indoor garden. KIMG0341.JPG I take the old kitty litter containers and cut them in half, and drill drainage holes in them. KIMG0339.JPG The 4 foot florescent lights I use are full spectrum or 5k. You need the reds and blues to grow indoors. I hope you enjoyed this post.


Excellent re-purposing of the litter buckets! Now if only I had the power to run lights during the winter lol. #offgrid challenges

I have these in my basement, so I am kinda forced to supplement the light, or else the cats would eat everything! Thanks for looking!

Welcome to steemit! If you are ever looking for a group, actually a community, of homesteaders/gardeners/self-sufficient like-minded people, I am the moderator of a group here... also the "un"official ambassador to the group.

let me know and I can post an invite link here for you!

Yes please, I am an active Urban farmer, and I fix everything myself. but I want to share great ideas and learn!

This was so informative! Thanks for the instructions to grow indoors!