in #food8 years ago


Today I will show you how to cook buckwheat at home. This is a Latvian recipe and a very easy dinner idea that will help you lose weight. A century ago, Russia was the world leader in buckwheat production.Buckwheat s a natural weigh loss food. It has many health benefits and thats why I recommend you try this recipe. 

If you are vegetarian, please exclude the sausages and include more veggies such as peppers or broccoli. Buckwheat is the best source of high-quality, easily digestible proteins. It may also help you with diabetes and your digestion. Buckwheat contains no gluten and is not a grain.

For this recipe we will need :

1 large carrot

4 sausages

Salt & Pepper

200 gr OR 1 cup of buckwheat


Step 1 : Cook your buckwheat in water for about 15-20 min.

Step 2 : Fry your sausages and boil the carrots.

Step 3 : Cut the sausages and carrots and mix together with buckwheat and spices. Enjoy. 


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Some images from Free Image Soure. 

Lots of love,

Alla xox


Normally I don't like buckwheat, but your recipe looks so yummy, I am going to try it, perhaps it will change my mind :)

it's so suitable for my lunch.thanks for the recipes @allasyummyfood

HEHEH you are welcome!!

okay @allasyummyfood

let's take a lunch.

wow yummy yoyo alla

Looks delicious! Buckwheet is so good when you combine it with other foods properly. Thanks for the recipe @allasyummyfood

yes for sure, i love it!! :)) its the best!!

Wow looks great! i am going to try this fir sure!

yeah its really good !:)

Honestly this is a great job but do not hesitate to vote for this comment and thank you*******

looks delicious.. thanks for the recipe..
have a great day!

you are welcome :))

Looks so delicious.. I'll try making it ... Thanks for the recepie...

well there is another new one! lol :)

This looks delish! I love buckwheat but rarely use it as I don't know many recipes... so thanks :)

Looks healthy!!! I like it))

Nice, delicious and healthy recipe... thank you for sharing :)

you are welcome :)

(Note: I'm going to call it a "grain" here just because I don't know what else to call buck wheat and the others I mention below if not grains?)

I love buck wheat and enjoy eating the other "healthy" grains as well - quinoa, spelt, amaranth, brown rice, etc. What I always wondered though is if it's still better to completely cut out grains in favor of fruits, veggies (and grass fed meat or fresh caught wild fish). Hard to tell since there are a plethora of articles touting the health benefits of these super grains, but there seem to be an equal amount of studies and opinions suggesting it's best to eliminate carbs altogether

yeah there are studies about everything and i think we need to eat more natural food and stuff!

Cheers to that! I think that should be the title of your next post lol: "we need to eat more natural food and stuff!" Maybe I'll give that a shot if as well... I'll add it to my blog idea list. Seriously though, I might try it with a humorous twist...sometimes that's the best way to get people to pay attention (think how much more people watched the Daily Show with Jon Stewart vs traditional news outlets), Sorry, going on a tangent there!

Getting back to the main point, all I've eaten so far today is salmon, qunioa, and steamed veggies. And I feel a-mazing 😃

All are great fruits I love fruits

Successfully adopted this recipe feel like genius 🙈

love buckwheat! So underused, and now that it's 'trendy' the price goes up of course

Very interesting dish. I'd like to try that. Thanks for that bit of Russian history.

I love buckwheat! And this recipe sounds amazing :D Love that it's a weight-loss and healthy recipe :)

As long as you eat fresh whole foods healthy is natural!
As long as you can make it AllYummy like you then you get to enjoy it too!